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难道他们绑架你吗?Did they abduct you?

绑架童车中的婴儿。To abduct a baby in its pram.

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诱拐儿童是非法的。It's illegal to abduct children.

强盗决定绑架一名人质。The robber decided to abduct a hostage.

他曾企图诱拐那三个男孩。He had attempted to abduct the three boys.

他曾企图诱拐这两名儿童。He had attempted to abduct the two children.

强盗劫持了女继承人并向她索取赎金。The robber abduct the heiress and hold her to ransom.

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为什么他愿意利用亲生儿子来诱拐女人?And why is he willing to use his own son to abduct them?

你知道强盗不会把没有价值的女人作人质。You know, brigandage don't abduct women who were worthless.

警察抓住了那个企图拐走这男孩以便勒索赎金的家伙。The police caught the man who tried to abduct the boy for ransom.

警察抓住了那个企图拐走这女孩以便勒索赎金的恐怖分子。The police caught the terrorist who tried to abduct the girl for ransom.

作为一个外国人你自然想绑架其他物种和他们的作品。Being an alien you naturally like to abduct other species and their creations.

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当民主被资本诱拐之后,人民能够使用的力量越来越少。When democracy by capital abduct later, the power that people can use is less and less.

加布里埃尔跑进来,他因杀死了一名企图绑架阿米莉亚的男子而被暴徒追赶。Gabriele runs in, chased by a mob for killing a man who was attempting to abduct Amelia.

我们有时看到那些利用网络诱拐儿童的新闻都心惊肉跳。The newsthatwe see those use network abduct children sometimes filled with apprehension.

三角肌中部使肩膀外展,将肩膀向远离躯干的方向拉。The middle portions of the deltoids abduct the shoulders, drawing them away from the trunk.

除了引诱男性,恶灵也会绑架小孩和散播疯狂与疾病。In addition to seducing men, the cihuateteo may abduct children and cause madness and disease.

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以方解释说它这样做是为了摧毁可能会被用作绑架以色列士兵的地道。Israel said its troops entered to destroy a tunnel which could be used to abduct its soldiers.

放置的效应,如绑架或邪恶调转,也可以用来使骑士下马。Place effects, such as Abduct or Baleful Transposition, could also be used to dismount a rider.

手拐骨折石膏拆后,手伸不直应该怎么办?After gesso of hand abduct fracture is torn open, is the hand extended how should do continuously?