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所以这里是一个快速造型我的工作基础上。So here is a quick base sculpt I worked on.

拉出发片以低角度手法处理。Take out by slice and sculpt with low angle.

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刘海以点剪手法处理。Continue sculpt the fringe with point-cutting.

我甚至花时间雕了一尊我父亲的半身像,并把它擦得锃亮。I’ve ever had time to sculpt a bust of my father and to burnish it.

你自身的重量刚刚好阻止你塑造体型。Your own weight gives you just enough resistance to sculpt your body.

经典的品质和富有创意的造型,表达了你的品质。Classic character and novel sculpt of Jijia. Express your personality.

异形模块可根据特殊建筑造型需要制作。Abnormity modules can be made according to unusual construction sculpt.

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我们可以把我们的生命雕刻成美的,也可将它贬为丑。We can sculpt our existence into somethin beautiful, or debase it into ugliness.

由于建筑造型需要,主楼采用半圆弧形平面。The structural plane is a half-arc plane according to the need of architecture sculpt.

是时候塑造您的组织,用以创建您想要的确切的“身体”。This is the time to sculpt your organization to create the exact "body" that you want.

在温莎普拉提你与提升的腿各界雕塑你的馒头和大腿。In Winsor Pilates you make circles with an elevated leg to sculpt your buns and thighs.

达特是用来装饰或造型糕点结冰状物质几种之一。Fondantis one of several kinds of icing-like substance used to decorate or sculpt pastries.

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它通常当您开始形状造型的时候被考虑到,看看什么样的循环是需要的。It usually works out when you start to sculpt the shapes and see what kind of loop you need.

猛烈的恒星风和强有力的大质量恒星辐射塑造着星云的环境。Violent stellar winds and powerful radiation from massive stars sculpt the surrounding nebula.

我学到如何雕刻透过观看她和砂光从她的瓷娃娃了这么多年。I learned how to sculpt by watching her and from sanding her porcelain dolls for so many years.

人们把四吨冰雕刻成两座三米高的雕像—一个男人和一个女人抱着一个孩子。Four tons of ice were used to sculpt two three-meter statues of aman and a woman holding a baby.

了解如何在这个自由的陶瓷雕塑艺术影片的一课粘土驴头面部雕塑。Learn how to sculpt the face of a clay horse head sculpture in this free ceramic art video lesson.

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造型和铭文具有鲜明的少数民族特征及地域性。因而区别于中原地区同期的青铜文化。So it is unique minority sculpt and posy different from mid-region bronze culture at hte same age.

赫斯顿学会了绘画和雕刻,以便他能真实的模仿这位艺术家的行为。Heston learned how to paint and sculpt so that he could realistically imitate the artist's actions.

傅先生的作品无论是从外型还是体量,从结构还是主题,都体现了一种现代艺术的观念。Either from sculpt or body shape, from structure or theme, Mr. Fu's works embody a concept of modern art.