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和山羊的一个奄牛!A bullock with goat!

阉牛是切除了睾丸的公牛。A bullock is a castrated bull.

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她正向阉牛港开呢。She's making for Bullock harbour.

思嘉丽约翰逊和桑德拉布洛克也这么做了。so did Scarlett Johansson and Sandra Bullock.

这个月桑德拉·布洛克遇到了两件事。Two things happened to Sandra Bullock this month.

但是,桑德拉·布洛克却在去年颠覆了这一定律。But last year Sandra Bullock bucked the trend in a big way.

有些牛车,但它们的运动是群山的一部分。There were bullock carts, but their movement was a part of the hills.

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桑德拉·布洛克1964年出生于弗吉尼亚州的阿林顿。Sandra Bullock was born in Arlington, Virginia in nineteen sixty-four.

1831年,大卫。洛克从特拉维斯和安布勒家族手中买下了詹姆斯敦。In 1831, David Bullock purchased Jamestown from Travis and Ambler families.

这就像是集特蕾莎修女、戴安娜王妃和桑德拉•布洛克于一身。It's like being Mother Teresa, Princess Di and Sandra Bullock rolled into one.

巴勒就照着巴兰所说的行了,在每座祭坛上,献上一头公牛和一只公绵羊。And Balak did as Balaam had said, and offered a bullock and a ram on every altar.

有一天文惠君到厨房巡视,他看见一位厨子正在分割牛肉。Wenhui made his rounds of inspection in kitchen, he saw a cook cutting up a bullock.

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布洛克不知道如何帮他的朋友正名,这让尼格玛白高兴一场。Bullock doesn't know how to clear his friend's name and that delights Nygma to no end.

这便叫耶和华喜悦,胜似献牛,或是献有角有蹄的公牛。This also shall please the LORD better than an ox or bullock that hath horns and hoofs.

然后他们就把商队所有的货物和牛车据为己有。Then they had taken for themselves all the merchandise and bullock carts of the caravan.

这位45岁的布洛克拥有亲民的形象令上百万的女性感到亲切。The 45-year-old Ms. Bullock has a down-to-earth image that means millions of women relate to her.

布洛克早年从德国移民来美,曾为美国三位总统担任过人事顾问。Bullock immigrated from Germany and has worked as a personnel specialist for three U.S. presidents.

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法官也已经按规定对这对父母或者布洛克能否向法庭提供更多证据证明他们更适合抚养这个孩子。The judge has yet to rule whether either of the parents or Bullock will have to give evidence in court.

这饼要装在一个筐子里,连筐子带来,又把公牛和两只公绵羊牵来。And thou shalt put them into one basket, and bring them in the basket, with the bullock and the two rams.

同年3月,桑德拉从新奥尔良领养了一个男婴,现为该男孩路易斯·巴尔多·布洛克的单亲妈妈。In March, Sandra adopted a baby boy from New Orleans and is now a single parent to son Louis Bardo Bullock.