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对比观察手术前后眼球内陷程度及复视缓解情况。They were perioperatively surveyed for the degree of enophthalmos and the status of diplopia.

这篇文章提供了复杂的综述关于眼球内陷的病理生理,评估和治疗。This article provides a comprehensive review of the pathophysiology , evaluation, and management of enophthalmos.

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文章目的在于让每位阅读者了解导致眼球内陷的疾病谱及如何治疗这些疾病。Its objective is to enable the reader to recognize, assess, and treat the spectrum of disorders causing enophthalmos.

颧上颌部外伤骨折后的最常见畸形为颧突塌陷和眼球内陷。It is commonly seen that there is displacement of the malar fragment and enophthalmos after zygomaticomaxillary fracture.

目的观察眼眶爆裂性骨折眼球内陷手术时机与效果的关系。Objective To observe the relationship between surgery time and effect on enophthalmos resulted from a blow-out fracture of orbit.

追踪16.1个月之后,除了眼球剜除病例外四个病例眼球内陷皆小于2厘米。After a mean follow-up of 16.1 months, the enophthalmos of the 4 patients without eviscerations were corrected back to less than 2mm.

经还纳眶内容及眶腔植骨手术,其中10例患者眼球陷没、复视得以矫正,眶、眼睑外形恢复良好。Of these 11 cases, 10 cases got satisfactory appearance of eyelids and orbit , of which the diplopia and enophthalmos were corrected.

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术后病人的上眼脸虽然仍稍有凹陷现象,但眼球内陷的情形已有极显著的改善,病人也很满意。Postoperatively, the severe enophthalmos was markedly improved, and the patient was satisfied although an evident supratarsal sulcus was still presents.

结论对于眼眶爆裂性骨折引起的眼球内陷可考虑早期手术,其效果优于晚期手术者。Conclusions For patients undergoing enophthalmos caused by a crepitant frature in orbit, it is the best way to perform an operation as early as possible.

EH型复合人工骨和自体肋骨两种材料对眼眶骨折修复眼球内陷复位的治疗结果无显著性差异。There was no significant difference between two orbital implants of autogenous rib bone and EH composite artificial bone in the therapeutic results of enophthalmos.

术后CT复查未见明显的脑牵拉性损伤,未发生眼球凹陷、眼球损伤及颅神经损伤等并发症。There was no brain retraction injury demonstrated on CT scan in all cases, no evidence of enophthalmos as well as the damage to the eyeball and cranial nerves after surgery.

目的探讨眶壁爆裂骨折所致眶壁畸形、眼球内陷的发生机制及其整复手术。Objective To investigate the mechanisms of enophthalmos and deformities of orbital walls in patients with orbital blowout fracture and to evaluate the reconstructive surgical methods.

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目的测量眼眶爆裂性骨折伴眼球内陷患者眼眶容积的改变量,探讨眼眶容积改变量和眼球内陷度数之间的关系。Objective To measure the volumetric changes of enophthalmos of orbital blowout fractures, and to study the relation between the change of the orbital volume and the degree of enophthalmos.

临床上病人呈现眼眶周围红肿、眼球内陷或外凸、双眼复视、视力减退、眼球运动受限及失明等症状。Clinical findings of orbital emphysema may include periorbital redness and swelling, enophthalmos or exophthalmos , diplopia, decreased visual acuity, limited eyeball movement and even blindness.

结论改良颅眶颧入路手术中没有骨质丢失,不需行眶顶重建,避免了术后的眼球内陷。Conclusions The modified OZ approach eliminates the bone lose during operation, obviate the need for bone reconstruction of the orbital walls to prevent the postoperative complication of enophthalmos.