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第二阻力是内疚感,她说。The second impediment is guilt, she said.

这个散置障碍物可以被移开吗?Is it a loose impediment which may be removed?

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它不会造成对流力的干扰。It does not require an impediment to the flow.

它不会造成对流力的干扰。语言障碍,口吃。It does not require an impediment to the flow.

怎样算是妨碍他们的个人统治呢What was a kind of impediment to their personal rule?

让我无视那些障碍,不相信它会隔绝心中的灵犀。Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediment.

类似的抵抗破坏了中国的一些大型并购交易。Similar resist also impediment some large-scaled M&A deals.

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这对投资基础设施的人是一个新的阻拦。It's yet another impediment to anyone investing in infrastructure.

被动是一种发展的阻碍,因为无作为轻视进展。Passivity is an impediment to growth for inaction scorns progress.

该发誓的贞洁创造只是一个禁止性障碍婚姻。The vow of chastity creates only a prohibitory impediment to marriage.

这位演说家用苦练的方法克服了天生的口吃毛病。By much pains , the orator overcame a natural impediment in his speech.

在该法令的1888年也已列入障碍的秘密活动。In the decree of 1888 is also included the impediment of clandestinity.

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他在移动障碍区里散置障碍物的时候,导致了球的移动。He removes a loose impediment in the hazard that causes his ball to move.

乔兹说,有关财产权的争议仍然是阻止这些难民返乡的最大障碍。Chauzy says disputes over property rights remain the single biggest impediment.

我们知道,贫穷是发展和变革的单一最大障碍。We know that poverty is the single greatest impediment to development and change.

类似工具创建的无法维护的脚本会成为敏捷所需的变更的障碍。The unmaintainable scripts created with such tools become an impediment to change.

等待客户给你准备网站的文字内容是工作进程的一大障碍。Waiting on clients to deliver website content can be a big impediment to progress.

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苹果很可能将利用这些专利来为谷歌及安卓阵营设置竞争障碍。Apple will likely use those patents to “create an impediment for Google and Android.”

这样做是非常不礼貌的,因为这是一种严重的生理缺陷。Because it is a serious impediment. When one stutters, people believe they are stupid.

等待,阻碍着目标,进展,个人成长的物质化。Waiting creates an impediment to materialisation of goals, progress and personal growth.