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在学校不允许做下流动作,推推搡搡。Disallow to do the mean action at school.

这个中心文档允许您方便地为所有服务器启用或禁用该功能。This central location lets you easily allow or disallow it for all servers.

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本书采用的办法是在正文中不用莱布尼兹记号。The policy adopted in this book is to disallow Leibnizian notation within the text.

“裁判出现错误可以理解,但取消那样一个进球还是让人无法接受,”卡拉泽说。"Referees can make mistakes, but it seems impossible to disallow a goal like that, " said Kaladze.

因此,储蓄是自我挫败的,因为它给收入造成的损失将阻止人们进行长期储蓄。Accordingly, saving is self-defeating, as a loss in income will disallow individuals to save over the long-run.

这一特性可用于禁止来自其他组织的人员控制您的应用服务器或应用程序。This feature can be used to disallow personnel from other organizations to control your application servers or applications.

你应该应该中止比赛,判罚进球无效,然后在球鞋触球的地点进行坠球重新开始比赛。You should stop play, disallow the goal and restart with a dropped ball at the point where the boot made contact with the ball.

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如果可以重写类的话,则可以重写它的方法的行为,因此您最安全的选择就是不允许将类子类化。If the class can be overridden, its methods' behaviors can be overridden as well, so your safest bet is to disallow subclassing.

值得注意的是,尽管如此,但是一些定制的Git服务器能被重写为不允许丢失数据,所以这个优势是非常小的。It should be noted, however, that a custom Git server could be written to disallow the loss of data, so this advantage is minimal.

法官在案件审理前和审理期间裁定一些事项,允许或不允许陪审团考虑律师提出的证据。The judge rules on matters before and during the trial that allow or disallow the jury to consider evidence proposed by the attorneys.

我们需要做的一切就是提出一种机制,根据注册事实允许或不允许各个过滤器执行。All we need to do is come up with a mechanism which will allow or disallow individual filters to execute based on the registered facts.

事实上,您可能不希望用户发送开放的请求,而是让他们从列表中选择。In fact, you might want to disallow users from sending in open requests and only allow them to choose from a list of possible alternatives.

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例如,一个限制可能不允许多重继承,或者是它可能需要一个类必须具备一个特殊的属性类型。For example, a constraint may disallow multiple inheritance, or it may require that a class must have a particular type of attribute. This means that

在西式宴会上,越过身边之人,而与相距较远者祝酒干杯,尤其是交叉干杯,也不允许。At the western party, cross nearby of body, and with mutually be apart from farther wish alcoholic bottoms up, particularly crossing bottoms up, also disallow.

允许我们用机枪撕裂人体但不允许使用非致命窒息工具的旧法律同样是不道德的和可笑的。The old laws that allow us to tear a human body apart with machine guns but disallow the use of nonlethal choking agents are nothing short of immoral and ridiculous.

因此,如果你不想从网络运行托管代码程序,那么也不应该将非托管代码程序区别对待。Thus if you want to disallow launching exes off the network you should not have one way of doing it for managed code, and a completely different way for unmanaged code.

最终,惟一正确的解决方法是为企业修补他们的机器,检查和删除来自被染毒电脑的恶意软件,和禁止使用USB存储设备。Ultimately the only current solution is for companies to patch their machines, quarantine and remove malware from infected machines, and disallow use of USB storage devices.

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三年“守孝”中,有很多的限制,不能婚娶,一年之内也不准参加任何喜庆活动。BE"observe mourning" because 3 years, there are a lot of restrictions, tin no wedding, a annual inside also disallow to take portion in anyone amused movement of celebrating.

如与上述法案规定之事务相关的条例是按章程U制定而成或符合章程U制定目的,委员无权禁止或废除该等条例。The Commissary shall have no power to disallow or annul any Ordinance made under or having effect for the purposes of Statute U in relation to matters regulated under the said Act.

在许多情况下,工具只是简单地不允许创建无效的XML,而在对哪些元素和属性可以出现在文档中特定地方提供了直觉的帮助。In most cases, the tools simply disallow the creation of invalid XML, while providing intuitive assistance about what elements and attributes can occur at a given place in a document.