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使用隔离罩的电热水器。Use a cover to insulate the water heater.

那天花板瓦能使房间隔热。The ceiling tiles help to insulate a room.

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据说,那里的薄雾隔离了他们。The mist, it was said, was there to insulate them.

使你的热水箱,阁楼和墙壁隔热Insulate your hot water tank, your loft and your walls

是否有了学位就能让你高枕无忧,远离裁员呢?Will having a degree insulate you from getting laid off?

举例说,橡胶用来使电线绝缘。For instance, rubber was used to insulate electrical wires.

同时,你必须将你自己隔绝在他的情绪之外。In the meantime, you have to insulate yourself from his moods.

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汽车和货车装饰,隔板,集装箱,隔离栏,轮船隔仓板。Ornamental of car and van, clapboard, container, insulate fence.

现代健美的外门往往比旧的绝缘。Modern exterior doors often fit and insulate better than old ones.

住在农村会使我们与外面的世界隔绝。Living in a countryside tends to insulate us from the outside world.

太空服能吸水、隔热,而且几分钟内就能干透。The garments can absorb water, insulate the body and dry in minutes.

冰架目前使南极洲和风隔绝。The ice shelves currently insulate the Antartic continent from wind.

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压胶可应用于乙烯窗口,以帮助他们妥善隔离。Caulking can be applied to vinyl windows to help properly insulate them.

很多人会在家里安上双层玻璃的防寒窗,以减少冬季的取暖费用。Double-glazing of windows helps to insulate the house from the cold weather.

他们可以帮助候选人从最后时刻的绊倒或新发现中隔离出来。They can help insulate candidates from eleventh-hour stumbles or revelations.

一个在一英寸的泡沫绝缘护套,帮助建设一探究竟。A closer look at the one-inch foam sheathing that helps insulate the building.

为了安全,务必用电工胶带绝缘任何未连接的电线。Be sure to insulate any loose unconnected wires with electrical tape for safety.

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它在居室、车库和地下室的任何地板、任何地毯上都能工作。Works on any floor, even carpets, to insulate living areas, garages and basements.

然后让所有东西与它绝热,把它拿走看看有没有,热量流动。Then I insulate everything, you know, take it away and see if there's any heat flow.

钢铁制造商希望通过合约价锁定成本,以免受涨价的影响。Steelmakers favor contract prices to lock in costs and insulate them from price jumps.