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地下输送机。The underground conveyer.

随着传送带向前移动,鲜血喷射出来了。Blood spurted as the conveyer belt moved on.

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随著传送带向前移动,鲜血喷射出来了。Blood spurted as the conveyer belt moved on.

江苏南京鸿鹄输送带制品有限公司。Jiangsu nanjing hh conveyer belt products co. ltd.

采用链条式轮送,串烧可直接放置在链条上输送烘烤。You can put the baking stuff on the chain conveyer.

请把您的托运行李放在传送带上。Please put your check-in baggage on the conveyer belt.

如果你需要设密码,请在输码机上输入密码。If you want a secret code, please imput it by the conveyer.

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割带机是用来切断输送带和切割不平直的皮带端头。It is used for cutting conveyer belt and unbalance ends of belt.

这是我的行李,但是太重了,我搬不动,你能帮我把它从传送带上拿下来吗?I can't move it. Could you help me get it out of the conveyer belt?

连杆是振动输送机的主要基础部件之一。The connecting rod is one of the key parts in a vibrating conveyer.

管式胶带输送机在我国电厂中应用较少。The tubular rubber-belt conveyer is seldom used in Chinese power plants.

本文针对运输机刮板锻造模具设计问题。This paper is directed against forging moulder design in scraper of conveyer.

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每台相机监视一组有偏置管筒支架的平行传送机排。Each camera monitors a set of parallel conveyer rows with offset tube holders.

提出了跟踪运输链节的“滚动啮合自位跟踪”原理。A principle of self-position meshing track for conveyer chain has been proposed.

输煤胶带是火力发电厂的重要运输机械。The coal conveyer belt is an important transport machine of thermal power plant.

光电控制装置、热压印装置、打印机、振动送料机、产品输出皮带机等。Photocell control device, hot press printer, printer, feeder , and belt conveyer.

2001年底,天然气输送管道即可铺设至天津碱厂。By the end of 2001, natural gas conveyer pipeline can be laid down to our factory.

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对研磨机、破碎机、输送皮带起着可靠的保护作用。It procidesreliable protection for finis hing machine , crusher and conveyer be It.

为此,介绍了网带式漂烫机的工作原理、设计、计算及总体参数的确定。The whole parameters of screen conveyer fulling and scalding machine was determined.

带式输送机是输送设备中最常用的一种传输机构。The belt conveyer is in the conveyor the most commonly used one kind of transfer mechanism.