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是肉丸潜水艇吗?Is it a meatball sub?

做肉丸子时,你一定要把肉切碎。When you make meatball you must hash up meat.

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在锅里倒入少许油,煎到微黄,大约要2分钟。Fry the meatball with oil for about 2 minutes.

午餐的那碗贡丸汤棒极了!The meatball soup I had for lunch was fantastic!

稍稍放凉的炸鱼球非常好吃。The slight hot fried fish meatball is very delicious.

你不能一周吃了14个肉丸子,然后期待看到瘦了几镑。You can’t eat 14 meatball subs a week and expect to see pounds come off.

用一个大的碗,将肉丸配料混合,彻底搅拌。In a large bowl, combine the meatball ingredients, mixing them thoroughly.

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吃不完的炸鱼球,存放起来可以吃好几顿。The excess fried fish meatball can be stored and used in the next more meals.

牛、羊、鸡肉丸子最适合汆丸子汤。Cattle, sheep, chicken meatball is most suitable for boiling the meatball soup.

看见他那个四喜丸子的脸,人就饱了。Just looking at that meatball face of his will make people feel full, " he said."

你仍然可以不时的吃肉丸子,但是记住不要过多的摄入。You can still have that meatball sub now and again, just try not to live on them.

肉丸在冷却槽内冷却后可直接进入速冻车间挂冰冷冻。Meatball in cooling groove can be directly into a frozen after cooling hang ice frozen workshop.

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近鸟龙的头部羽毛样本同时出现了“香肠”和“肉球”状的色素囊。Both "sausage" and "meatball" pigment sacs appear in a sample from the cheek feathers of Anchiornis.

几天前就跟老妹约好去宜家了。她想买东西,我想去吃瑞典肉丸。I have a date that is go to IKEA with my sister. She want to buy some thing there , and I miss the Swedish Meatball.

介绍了速冻鸡肉丸子的特点和制作工艺及其在生产中需要重点控制的工艺要点。In this article, the characters, processing craft and its key point of the deepfreeze chicken meatball were introduced.

小丸子留宿着花苹和大树返回房内睡,最后花苹命大树席地而睡。The small meatball stay with apple and the tree back to the room to sleep, finally take apples deadly night tree to sleep.

成型后的肉丸需在蒸煮槽的进一步蒸煮后通过旋转的拨板匀速地移动到蒸煮槽末端。After meatball in cooking slot through the rotation after a further steaming plate moving to moving to dial groove end cooking.

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厨师马修Mitnitsky欢呼声后,丸子权衡,打破了大丸子的世界纪录,在新罕布什尔州,星期日,11月1,2009。Chef Matthew Mitnitsky cheers after his meatball weighed in, breaking the world record for the largest meatball, in Concord, NH, Sunday, Nov. 1,2009.

本课题采用正交试验法探讨了鸡脯肉、鸡骨泥、猪肥膘以及生粉对鸡骨肉丸的影响,确定了鸡骨泥肉丸的最佳配方。Factors influencing the quality of bone paste meatball were discussed by the orthogonal test, and the optimal formula of meatball was determined in this paper.

在这个自由烹饪传统的意大利美食为您的视频剪辑与意大利面条和肉丸专家烹饪技巧晚饭嚼劲面条学习技巧。Learn tips about cooking al dente spaghetti for your spaghetti and meatball dinner with expert cooking tips in this free traditional Italian cuisine video clip.