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火从天降!Fire from sky!

小心火烛。Beware of fire.

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黄枪。好耍。Fire yellow gun.

烧毁它,退订了它。Fire it. Burn it.

让火一直烧着吧。Keep the fire in.

严禁烟火。No smoke, no fire.

梦见了火与水。Of fire and water.

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留心火烛。Beware of the fire.

他用扇子扇火。He fanned the fire.

她吹火助燃。She blows the fire.

枪炮喷吐出火舌。The gun spits fire.

火图标象形图。Fire icon pictogram.

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她的生活缺乏激情。Her life lacks fire.

好,火力掩护。Okey, covering fire.

启动消防泵。Start the fire pump.

火势炽盛。The fire is blazing.

靠着炉火暖和一下。Warm up by the fire.

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以毒攻毒,以火攻火。Fight fire with fire.

森林里也烧起了大火。Forests were on fire.

把这放在火里。Put this in the fire.