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他的名字叫汤姆凯迪。His name was Tom Canty.

多少个快活日子,约翰。And mony a canty day, john.

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主角在这本书是汤姆氯乙烯。The main character in this book is Tom Canty.

一个屏幕显示出机器人的摄像机所拍摄到的东西。A screen shows Canty what the robot's camera sees.

汤姆氯乙烯与王子去参观故宫。Tom Canty went with the Prince to visit the palace.

我母亲活到八十,直到最后还是个活泼的女人。My mother lived till eighty, a canty dame to the last.

但是,特警队队长康蒂说,高技术也有缺点。But Sergeant Canty says the technology can have its drawbacks.

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康第,生在破烂、肮脏和苦难中,现在这番景象却是多么显赫啊!Tom Canty , born in rags and dirt and misery, what sight is this!

堪提一家住在这样一栋房子三楼的一个房间里。Canty 's family lived in one room on the third floor of one of these houses.

一天,活泼的汤姆去威斯敏斯特宫殿看一位真正的王子,爱德华王子。One day, Tom Canty went to Westminster Palace to see a real prince, Prince Edward.

汤姆活泼总是演奏与王子,因为王子认为他非常不耐烦。Tom Canty always played with the Prince because the Prince thought he was very bored.

啊,汤姆·康第,不过是个小破房子里出世的穷孩子,一向与破烂、肮脏和苦难结了不解之缘,现在这番景象却是多么煊赫啊!O tom canty born in a hovel familiar with rags and dirty and misery what a spectacle is this!

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我们上次说到约翰?康第拖着合法的王子往垃圾大院里去,后面跟一群嘈杂而高兴的闲人。We left john canty dragging the rightful prince into offal court with a noisy and delighted mob at his heels.

这个机器人帮助我们搜集情况,这样我们就可以知道我们到底进入一种什么境地,我们在向哪个方向走。"It helps provide us with intelligence so we know what we're getting ourselves into, where we're going, " Canty explained.

12岁的汤姆-肯帝耐心地站在白金汉宫的城门外,希望一睹爱德华-温莎王储的风采。Twelve-year-old Tom Canty stood patiently outside the gates of Buckingham Palace hoping for a glimpse of the crown prince, Edward Windsor.

这个机器人帮助我们搜集情况,这样我们就可以知道我们到底进入一种什么境地,我们在向哪个方向走。A screen shows Canty what the robot's camera sees. "It helps provide us with intelligence so we know what we're getting ourselves into, where we're going, " Canty explained.