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张贴在尉蓝里。Posted in the blue sky.

贴金箔是怎么贴上去的?Gilding is posted up how?

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已经给这位哨兵布置哨位了吗?。Has the guard been posted?

她对法律甚为熟悉。She is well posted on law.

他被派往一个团。He was posted to a regiment.

已贴出通告宣布该船失踪。The ship was posted missing.

请保留回执。谢谢!Please keep me posted. Thanks!

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课程大纲已经贴在网上了The syllabus is posted online.

广州市官员于是将这些数据公布在了网上。City officials posted it online.

她为嫌疑犯作保。She posted bail for the suspect.

那些信还没有寄走。The letters haven't been posted.

我们在大门口设了岗哨。We posted sentries at the gates.

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他在布告板上贴了一张公告。He posted a bulletin on the board.

那封信是昨晚寄走的。That letter was posted last night.

你看到他发的图片了吗?Did you see that picture he posted?

我的博客里堆满了人们的批评帖。People posted critcisms on my blog.

然后贴15分钟取下。Posted 15 minutes and then removed.

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所以看贴一定要回贴呀!So be sure to see posted Huitie it!

2011年1月11日,由伊恩·肯纳发表Posted by Ian Kerner January 11, 2011

那封信没贴邮票就寄出去了。That letter was posted with no stamp.