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搭汽车或吉普车到加都。Take a bus or jeep on to Kathmandu.

从加都到博卡拉多少钱?How much is that from Kathmandu to Pokhara?

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准备搬迁到加德满都的12口之家。This family of 12 decided to move to Kathmandu.

政府武装士兵已尔首都德满都——王广场遍象。Durbar Square, historic center of Nepal's capital city of Kathmandu.

庙宇帕斯帕提那寺上,一名印度教圣人涂抹着灰末在身体上。Hindu holy man smears ashes on his body at Pashupati Temple in Kathmandu.

2月22日,在加德满都,一个尼泊尔小孩站在自行车的货筐中。A Nepalese child rides in the basket of a bicycle in Kathmandu on Feb. 22.

在泥泊尔是没有完善的废品回收业的——即使是在加德满都。There is no developed recycling industry in Nepal – not even in Kathmandu.

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很多人都听说过加德满都和廷巴克图,但却对这两个城市一无所知。Kathmandu and Timbuktu, both cities most people have heard of but know nothing about.

醒来时很放松。吃完早餐后,10点开始向加德满都挺进。Woke up in a relaxed manner. Had our breakfast and started towards Kathmandu by 10.00am.

不过加德满都在新闻传出后否认了他们的整个计划的巨大意义。But in Kathmandu after news broke of the latest project officials downplayed the entire exercise.

相传两千多年前,文殊菩萨从中国五台山来到尼泊尔,劈山排水,造就了加德满都河谷。There is a beautiful legend that a Chinese bodhisattva came to Nepal and opened Kathmandu Valley.

尼泊尔的加德满都,一位瑜珈修行者在帕苏帕堤庙为手杖做最后的润色。A yogi gives a final touch to his walking stick at Pashupati temple in Kathmandu February 22, 2006.

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而尼瓦族人在加德满都是怎么保存印度佛教的金刚乘,这也是一个有趣的问题。How Newars kept Vajrayana Buddhism alive in the Kathmandu Valley is an interesting topic in itself.

印度驻加德满都大使说,印度政府将接受尼泊尔人民的选举结果。India's ambassador in Kathmandu says his government will accept the mandate given by Nepal's people.

根据尼泊尔军队内部人士称,汽车星期五从苏那利入境口被带到加德满都。The vehicles were brought to Kathmandu via Sunauli entry point on Friday, according to the Nepal Army sources.

来自加德满都的报导说,一些小团体试图接近贾南德拉国王的王宫,但是被防暴警察拦阻。Reports from Kathmandu say small groups tried to approach King Gyanendra's palace, but were blocked by riot police.

尼泊尔专题第三集,我们来看看沙奴在加德满都,所经营的CWIN儿童之家。In our second feature from Nepal, we take a closer look at the CWIN children's home that Sanu Giri runs in Kathmandu.

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在位于加德满都谷地的斯瓦扬布纳佛塔中,小和尚们戴着太阳眼镜注视着面前的几十盏油灯。Young monks don sunglasses before dozens of butter lamps at Swayambhunath Stupa, a Buddhist temple in Kathmandu Valley.

在加德满都杜儿巴广场附近的寺庙,一名男子祈祷后回家,鸽子四处飞扬。Pigeons scatter as a man walks home after offering prayers at a nearby temple at Bashantapur Durbar Square in Kathmandu.

拉杰恩德拉·斯瑞斯塔一直在加德满都积极维护和教学尼泊尔传统艺术及文化。Rajendra Shrestha has been active in the preservation and teaching of traditional Nepalese arts and culture in Kathmandu.