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其中一只猫叫得声音更大。One cat has a greater mew.

这家新商店将在下个月开张。The mew store opens up next month.

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他们要建一个培训中心。They will set up a mew training centre.

你的旧车看上去和我的新车一样漂亮。Your old car looks as smart as my mew one.

要像鹰爱巢一样爱你的祖国。Like the eagle love mew love your motherland.

我们把猫的叫声误听成是警号了。We took the mew of a cat as a sound of warning.

如果使用希腊符号,那么μ的发音为“Mew”。If the Greek symbol is used, then the μ is pronouncedas "Mew".

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你必须多多关照那个新来的人,直到他学会日常工作为止。You have to stand over the mew man until he learns the routine.

这是一项新发明,它于1955年第一次得到实际应用。It is a mew invention which had its first practical workout in 1955.

为此,构建课堂教学新观念尤为重要。To build mew concept on classroom teaching is most important for the aim.

他们就样制成了第一新型的一万二千瓦涡轮发电机。In this way they built the first 12000-kw turbo-generator of the mew type.

热忱欢迎新老客户光临惠顾!Welcome mew and old customers and would appriciate your advice at anytime!

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三只小花猫喵喵叫,一只去追兔子,还剩两只。Three little kittens said , mew, mew, mew one chased a bunny, and then there were two.

自1984~1992年进行了抗大豆孢囊线虫病的品种间杂交育种选育和示范工作,并选育出84-51新品系。The cross breeding for SCN was carried out from 1984 to 1992, A mew strain 84-51 was selected.

咪咪丈夫林根在日本,她守身如玉希望丈夫带回足够的钱。Mew husband Lin Gen is in Japan, if jade hopes the husband brings back enough money, she defends a body.

现代分子生物技术的运用为传统啤酒酿造业注入了新的活力。The application of molecular biotechnology has brought mew vitality into traditional beer brewing industry.

此装置为连续焊接供管的送管装置,把新管子连接到正在焊接的管子端头。It is an automatic tube feeding device for continuous tube welding by connecting mew to the end of existing tube.

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工厂座落于广州花都新机场附近,面积18000平方米,实力雄厚。With a square of more than 18,000 square meters, The company is located in Guangzhou, Huadu, near the mew airport.

2003年和2004年夏天,在银利来有限公司作为助理经理,负责培训新员工。Summers 2003 and 2004, acted as an assistant manager in charge of training mew employees in Silverlion Corporation Ltd.

肽润巢真的像宣传的那样好吗?有无毒副作用?我想试用。Is what mew of E peptide embellish resembles publicizing really good in that way? Is there avirulent side effect? I think try out.