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他突然想到这句流行语。He suddenly remembers the catchword.

一如既往,“稳定”是描述中国的流行语。As always, “stability” is the catchword for China.

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教育改变生活是我们的口号。Education changes the life the catchword that is us.

也难怪今年的流行语非凡流行。Pardonable also the catchword this year is particularly popular.

它的口号是“让漂亮的女人更动人”。Its catchword is " the wife that invites beauty is more beautiful ".

评选2008年流行语,“山寨”当有一席之地。To choose the catchword of 2008, Simulated Culture must be included.

口号,是我党政治生活中的一大特色。Catchword , it is the one big characteristic in life of my party politics.

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中国在此后的很长时间里没有再提工业化的口号。现在看来,这种认识是不正确的。China did not carry industrialized catchword again in a long time of after this.

要是编剧们想造个能与“Bazinga”匹敌的新词,他们还需要继续寻找。If the show's writers want a new catchword to rival this, they'll need to keep looking.

绿色奥运,科技奥运和人文奥运已经成了申奥的主题.Green Olympics,together with hi-tech Olympics and the people's Olympics has become a catchword.

绿色奥运,科技奥运和人文奥运已经成了申奥的主题.Green Olympics,together with hi-tech Olympics and the people's Olympics has become a catchword.

这个闻名的卫生间是一个全钢包裹的立方体,口号是“有保留地消失”。This famous toilet is the cube that a complete steel laps, catchword is " reservation disappears ".

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“口号农业”可以休矣高登元春回大地,万物复苏。"Catchword agriculture " can rest Gao Dengyuan spring answer the earth, everythings on earth anabiosises.

星期六的抗议活动游行中打出了在经济危机中“把人民放在第一位”的口号。The remonstrant activity on Saturday was hit in parade in economic crisis " put people in the first " catchword.

“我要安全”,南航贵州公司以人为本、严把质量关的口号掷地有声。"I want security " , boat Guizhou company is with the person south this, the catchword that fathers to close quality casts the ground is phonic.

近年来,在占领桌面的口号下,各种功能软件的竞争一直相当激烈的。In recent years, below the catchword of occupational desktop, the competition of all sorts of function software comparatives all the time intense.

受前人研究的启发,本研究试图从模因论的角度分析汉语中丰富的流行语模因是如何形成的。The present study focuses on how catchword memes in Chinese language come into being and its form realization from an angle of static and dynamic analysis.

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报告中无数次不断提到核心的“介入”这个概念,这个标语象征着美军有能力在世界各地无阻碍演习。It makes numerous and repeated references to the centrality of "access, " a catchword for the U. S. military's ability to operate unimpeded anywhere in the world.

不管从任何角度看,哪怕这个口号只是一个幌子,都显得比那种纯粹的商业经营更加令人振奋和认同。No matter look from any angle, even if this catchword is a cover only, appear than the sort of dinkum business already battalion makes a person more hearten and self-identity.

虽然鲜有公司实际采取“托拉斯”的形式,但是在当时产业集中化时代,这个词很快流行在有关政府作用的公共辩论中。Although few companies actually adopted the form of a "trust, " the term rapidly became the catchword in public debate over the government's role in a time of such industrial concentration.