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神经传递功能重建及运动功能重新恢复。The restoration of functional neurotransmission and the recovery of function.

但这些淀粉样变的蛋白是如何中断神经传导尚不得而知。But how exactly these poisonous proteins disrupt neurotransmission is unknown.

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精神病患者的谷氨酸能神经传输异常已经累积了许多证据。There is accumulating evidence for abnormalities of glutamatergic neurotransmission in schizophrenia.

叙述在癫痫中伽马安基丁酸能的神经传递质所扮演之角色特徵和提出一个药理学的治疗办法。Characterize the role of GABAergic neurotransmission in epilepsy and propose a pharmacological means for its treatment.

我们以研究试管中的单突触传导发展,显示这些突触变化。To determine how this transformation occurs, we investigated the development of neurotransmission at single synapses in vitro.

我们感兴趣的血清素神经传递区域位于和行为克制有关的脑区域。The areas of serotonin neurotransmission that we are interested in are in the brain regions associated with inhibitory control.

这里,我们检验了体内利鲁唑能选择性阻滞谷氨酸能神经递质,由此产生全身麻醉羶态。Here , we examined in vivo the ability of riluzole to produce components of the general anesthetic state through a selective blockade of glutamatergic neurotransmission.

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正常情况下,葡萄糖代谢是大脑能量的主要来源,但定量描述大脑内糖类物质与神经传递动力学参数的研究方法是该领域内的一个瓶颈问题。While it is well-known that glucose is the main energy source of the brain, it has been difficult to quantitatively measure the metabolic kinetics and the neurotransmission in vivo.

本文重点旨在对大脑中能量代谢和神经传递动力学进行研究的NMR技术、方法及其应用进行较详细的介绍。In this paper, the principle and techniques of the relevant NMR methods as well as their applications in the studies of metabolic kinetics and neurotransmission are comprehensively reviewed.

帕金森病的这些症状可以通过减少脑内乙酰胆碱介导的神经传递而缓解,但很少有人注意到脑干细胞毒蕈碱受体的作用。Symptoms associated with Parkinson's can be helped by reducing acetylcholine-mediated neurotransmission in the brain, but little work has focused on brainstem muscarine receptors in this disease.