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后来她成为了一个评论家。She becomes a critic.

感谢批判者。By thanking the critic.

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而你是我最严厉的审判者。And you are my toughest critic.

他确是一位很有眼力的批评家。He is a truly perceptive critic.

每个人都是他自己最好的评论家。Every man is his own best critic.

一名幸存者是个评论家。One of the survivors was a critic.

就自己而言,每个人都是最好的评论家。A. Every man is his own best critic.

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他不只是批评民主。He wasn't only a critic of democracy.

那么谁是这个银行问题的评论家?So who was this thundering bank critic?

那个评论家生来就记性好。The critic was born with a good memory.

特礼西亚是来自伊斯兰堡的艺术批评家。Tricia is an art critic from Islamabad.

但另一个声讨将会安静下来。But another vocal critic will be silent.

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一位乐评家称这一事件“荒唐可笑”。One critic called the event “ludicrous.”

如何成为优秀的乐评家?What Makes A Good Classical Music Critic?

亚历山大·拉扎勒斯是为该报撰稿的饮食评论家。Lazarus is a food critic for the newspaper.

后来,黄长烨激烈批评北韩。He later became a fierce critic of the North.

批评家,是教人跑步的无腿的人。A critic is a legless man who teaches running.

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这个批语家的好的评论能使你剧本成功!A good review by this critic will make your play!

演唱结束时评论家唐?赫克曼在现场。Critic Don Heckman was there when the song ended.

演唱结束时评论家。赫克曼在现场。Critic Don Heckman was there when the song ended.