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并建立了一个高信噪比的单路检测系统。And a single way detection system with higher SNR is set up.

软件将显示它们的信噪比,点扩展函数和均方差值。The software will display the snr fwhm and rms values found.

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线性时不变滤波不能提高单一频率分量信噪比。The linear time-invariant filter can' t improve SNR of single frequency component.

本文还提供了G与SNR及INR的关系数据表,对雷达设计者有一定的参考价值。The data tables of G versus SNR and INR given in the paper are valuable for radar designer.

仿真结果表明,该方法的相关输出信噪比有较大改善,并且具有较强的鲁棒性。Simulation result show great improvement has been achieved in output SNR with good stability.

文章提出一种测量距离选通系统时间延迟的方法,并阐述其对系统信噪比的贡献。We introduce a way of measuring the time delay and discuss its improvement to the system SNR.

在信噪比较低时,还可以用滑动互相关算法进一步提高处理增益。The skip cross-correlation can improve the processing gain further more when the SNR is lower.

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第四章提出了一种基于修正伪信噪比的图像质量评估方法。In chapter 4 a new method to evaluate quality of images based on modified false SNR is researched.

仿真结果表明该方法对低信噪比信号,端点检测的准确率有一定的提高。The simulation result shows that this method is better in accuracy of endpoint detection in low SNR.

在低信噪比环境下,利用短时能量和过零率很难得到精确的检测结果。Short-time energy and zero-crossing rate can not locate efficiently endpoint for speech in lower SNR.

这种基于互模糊函数的算法与传统的直接互相关法相比,更适用于低信噪比情况下的时差估计。The method, based on cross-ambiguity function, is more suitable for time delay estimation in low SNR.

仿真结果表明,改进算法不仅可以很好的抑制交叉项,而且在信噪比很低时仍具有很好的性能。This algorithm not only suppresses the cross-components but also has good performance in the low SNR.

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根据以上步骤得到的增强语音有较高的信噪比及可懂度。Following the scheme provided above, we can get the speech signal with higher SNR and intelligibility.

最后讨论了用相干或非相干处理来改善系统输出信噪比的方法。Some methods to improve the system's output SNR by coherent or noncoherent operating are also discussed.

进一步利用信道估计系数,估计出各子信道的信噪比。By using the estimated coefficients of the sub-channels, the SNR of each subchannel can also be obtained.

常规的检测算法在低信噪比尤其在背景噪声能量可变的环境下不能有效工作。Conventional methods cannot work well in the condition of low SNR or at a variable background noise level.

在总结各种检测算法的基础上,基于重心法使用FPGA实现了低信噪比红外光斑中心的实时检测。There is a way to realize real-time detection for low SNR infrared spot using FPGA based on gravity model.

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针对数字接收机的载波锁定判决提出了一种新的判决函数,在低信噪比下具有很好的判决性能。A carrier lock detection function was deduced, which almost has the best performance when SNR is below 3dB.

仿真结果表明,在满足一定的信噪比条件下,新方法能准确识别给定信号的调制类型。By simulation, it shows this new method can recognize the modulation type of signal exactly in certain SNR.

但是,老罗本现在又表示他与拜仁总经理乌利赫内斯一直保持联系。However, Robben snr has now revealed that he is keeping in contact with Bayern general manager Uli Hoeness.