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我没睡着觉。I didn't sleep.

他便回往继续睡他的觉。He went to sleep.

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我睡在一张床上。I sleep in a bed.

让我在此地睡唾。Let me sleep here.

你睡得好吗?Did you sleep well?

我睡回笼觉。I go back to sleep.

在飞机上睡觉。Sleep on the plane.

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狗也在睡梦中犬吠。Growls in his sleep.

我没有睡好觉。I didn’t sleep well.

我很爱赖床。I loved to sleep in.

别闹了!我要睡觉了。I'm trying to sleep.

*只在夜间睡眠。Sleep only at night.

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但还是睡不着…But also canot sleep.

我再也睡不着了。I cannot sleep again.

什么是睡眠呼吸暂停?What is sleep apnoea?

但是我们睡不着。But we couldn’t sleep.

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睡好美容觉。Get your beauty sleep.

他讲话讲得我们都睡着了。He talked us to sleep.

他睡觉时常说梦话。He talks in his sleep.