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上图为麦纳麦医院的一名受伤示威者。Above, an injured protester at a Manama hospital.

他们也在巴林曼纳马的地区年会中发表演说。They also made a presentation at the district conference in Manama , Bahrain.

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47名被告在麦纳麦特别安全法庭闭门受审。The 47 defendants appeared behind closed doors in a special security court in Manama.

麦纳珍珠广场的交通圈成为巴林版本的解放广场。The Pearl Roundabout traffic circle in Manama became Bahrain’s own version of Tahrir Square.

巴林政府随后宣布禁止在首都麦纳麦举行反政府示威活动。Government of Bahrain announced a ban in the capital Manama then held demonstrations against the government.

当天下午,上千名反政府民众试图强行进入麦纳麦市中心的珍珠广场。In the afternoon, thousands of anti-government people trying to force their way into the center of Pearl Plaza Manama.

巴林安全力量使用坦克,水炮和直升飞机驱散首都麦纳麦的示威者。Security forces in Bahrain have used tanks, water cannon and helicopters to disperse demonstrators in the capital Manama.

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由于巴林首都麦纳麦反政府示威者被杀害,两国之间的紧张关系升级。Tension has risen between the two countries over the killing of anti-government demonstrations in Bahrain's capital Manama.

由于巴林首都麦纳麦反政府示威者被杀害,两国之间的紧张关系升级。Tension has risen between the two countries over the killing of anti-government demonstrations in Bahrain’s capital Manama.

在巴林安全部队分散在资金,麦纳麦中心的反政府示威者成千上万明珠广场。Security forces in Bahrain have dispersed thousands of anti-government protesters in Pearl Square in the centre of capital, Manama.

在巴林,政府拆毁了这个国家的反抗运动建立的纪念碑,在明珠广场中间的明珠。In Bahrain, the government tore down the monument adopted by the country's rebel movement, the pearl in the middle of Pearl Square in Manama.

在巴林,政府拆毁了这个国家的反抗运动建立的纪念碑,在明珠广场中间的明珠。In Bahrain, the government tore down the monument adopted by the country’s rebel movement, the pearl in the middle of Pearl Square in Manama.

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至少5名人员在袭击反政府示威者活动中丧生后,麦纳麦医院的一名外科医生于2月17日发起了抗议示威。A surgeon at a Manama hospital leads a protest on Feb. 17, after at least five people were killed in a raid against anti-government protesters.

巴林的反政府示威在首都麦纳麦中心的珍珠广场进行,这一集会行动将因为和平而被永远铭记。Bahrain's anti-government protests will forever be identified with the peaceful camp-outs at Pearl Square, in the center of the capital city Manama.

在门外数千名示威者呼吁政治改革示威时,巴林特种部队站在内政部内,麦纳麦。Bahraini special guards stand inside the Interior Ministry as thousands of protesters, calling for governmental change, demonstrate outside, in Manama.

多人丧生,军警在拉塔基亚和德拉持续同平民发生冲突,华盛顿会从应付突尼斯、开罗、麦纳玛以及的黎波里的经验中学到些什么呢?With scores killed, and soldiers continuing to clash with civilians in Latakia and Daraa, what lessons can Washington learn from how it handled Tunis, Cairo, Manama and Tripoli?