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魔力的对等者大师,擅长于运作协同团队的光波。Those of this nature are gifted at running light waves that synergize the group.

我们希望这将协同思想和方法的突破,在小分子RNA的机制。We hope this will synergize ideas and method breakthroughs in small RNA mechanisms.

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结论在人类,人工甜味剂和葡萄糖协调合作增加GLP-1的分泌。CONCLUSIONS Artificial sweeteners synergize with glucose to enhance GLP-1 release in humans.

另外,在TB实验动物模型中,SQ109还显示出与其他肺结核药物具有协同作用。In addition, SQ109 has been shown to synergize with other TB drugs in experimental animal models of TB.

第三,推动“一带一路”倡议同区域国家发展战略对接。Third, we need to synergize China's Belt and Road Initiative with the development strategies of other countries in the region.

相信我们能够善加结合东西方文化精粹,在东西文化传统的矛盾与冲突中寻求新方向。I believe that we can synergize the essence of Eastern and Western cultures, and seek a new direction amidst the clashes and contradictions.

协调和协同加强非洲联盟泛非消灭采采蝇和锥虫病运动带头开展的病媒控制活动。coordinate and synergize vector control activities lead by the Pan African Tsetste and Trypanosomosis Eradication Campaign of the Africa Union.

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如何更好的梳理业务,如何更好的避免瓶颈,如何更好的减人增效等,这些都是企业所关注的问题。How better combs the service, how better avoids the bottle neck, how better reduces the person synergize and so on, these all are enterprise matter of concern.

光波也能形成来通过脊柱和神经系统而产生一个光流,来将新陈代谢和思想形态协同成为基于光波的思考方式中。Light waves can also be formed to create a light flow through the spine and nervous system to synergize the metabolism and thought form into light wave based thinking.

具备分析、平衡、同步和综合所有内部与外部的资源和资产以确保进度和成品最终完成的能力。Ability to analyze, balance, synchronize and synergize all internal and external resources and assets to ensure the progress and ultimate completion of a finished good.

新产品开发阶段的互补战略需要考虑与市场上已有的互补产品协同以及与将来最可能出现的互补产品协同。At the step of new product development, companies should consider to synergize with the existing complementary product, and the most possible emergent complementary product, in the future.