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我享有好胃口的福气。I'm the bearer of good news.

向持票人付款的支票。The check is payable to bearer.

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来人,给我把这个女人抓起来啊!Bearer grasps this woman for me!

不记名票据就变得十分重要Bearer notes became very important.

详情请和来人面洽。For details, please see the bearer.

有时候,这是不记名票据In some cases, they were bearer notes.

收条请交来人带回。Please give the receipt to the bearer.

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我请来人送上包裹一件。I'm sending a parcel to you per bearer.

因为我不想成为坏消息的带话人。I don't like to be the bearer of bad news.

我厌倦了做传递怨念的信使。I'm tired of being the bearer of bad grudges.

那个轿夫报告的是什么消息呢?What news did the sedan-chair bearer tell me?

持有该票者能免费入场。This ticket entitles the bearer to free entry.

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金钱、无记名证券不得请求回复。The money and bearer papers can"t be restituted."

这一次他们也可以按照您或您的旗手。This time they can follow you or a standard bearer.

很高兴能向您介绍这封信的持有者李先生。I take pleasure in introducing to you the bearer Mr. Li.

太阳,承载光明的王者,与我们同在。For Phoebus, the Light bearer King shall keep us company.

意指金匠会把金子付给持票人That means that the goldsmith would pay it to the bearer.

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很高兴能向您介绍黄先生。I take pleasure in introducing to you the bearer Mr. Huang.

这是哪一种文件,持票人文件或指示文件?。Which is this document, document to bearer or document to order?

没错,我知道人们会否认真相的存在,而且经常会把知道真相的人干掉。Yes, I know people will deny the truth and will often kill the bearer.