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三聚氰酸是三聚氰胺的副产品。Cyanuric acid is a melamine byproduct.

它是一个伟大的附属品。It is a byproduct of great, simple living.

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我是个尘世间载歌载舞的废物,我是上帝造物的有毒副产品。I am the toxic waste byproduct of God's creation.

豆渣是大豆加工中的主要副产物。Okara is the main byproduct of soybean processing.

棉花副产品是饲喂牲畜很好的饲料资源。Cottons byproduct is good feedstuff resource for livestock.

现在的市场十分自由,并产生了肥胖这一副产品。That's a free market at work. But its byproduct is obesity.

因为人们为你祷告是你慷慨大方的一个副产品。For people praying for you is a byproduct of yourgenerosity.

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氧化氮动力火箭排出的副产品只不过是纯净的热气体。The nitrous-powered rocket’s only byproduct is hot, pure air.

他们不自觉地投票表决,这一切只是一种副产物。They’re not consciously voting for the story—the vote is a byproduct.

这种新材料是航天工业的副产品。The new material is the byproduct in the field of spaceflight industrial.

然而37信号公司的软件似乎不过是他们另一项事业的副产品而已。Yet 37signals' software often seems like a byproduct of a larger mission.

北爱尔兰新教与天主教徒的对抗是历史的延续。The byproduct of history is the confrontation between Protestant and Catholic.

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从矿石中提取铅时,常可获得银这种副产品。Silver is often obtained as a byproduct during the separation of lead from rock.

世界上最强大的X光机是高能量物理学的一种副产品。The world's most powerful X-ray machines are a byproduct of high-energy physics.

这可能是民族主义以及对美国单边主义的抵制的副产品。This may be a byproduct of resistance against U.S. unilateralism and nationalism.

其中一种废料是煤焦油,经过蒸馏后可以得到轻油。One byproduct he worked with was coal tar, which, when distilled, produced naphtha.

但这种叛逆是令他们成为优秀程序员的那种特质的副产品。But that disobedience is a byproduct of the qualities that make them good programmers.

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如果用纯氢作燃料,副产品只有热和纯水。If pure hydrogen is used as a fuel, fuel cells emit only heat and water as a byproduct.

这灯柱堆肥垃圾和使用甲烷作为燃料的副产品权力的灯。This lamppost composts trash and uses the methane byproduct as a fuel to power the lamps.

在亚硫酸盐浆造纸过程中,液体副产品包括木糖和木质素磺酸盐。In the sulfite paper process, the liquor byproduct contains wood sugars and lignosulfonate.