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他有帮手,但是他将亲自手写出来。He has help, but will write it himself, in longhand.

我得将这些速记的笔记译成普通文字。I have to translate these shorthand notes into longhand.

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索菲很快找了一张纸条,用速记法把它抄了下来。Sophie quickly found some paper and copied it down longhand.

接着,她会在手写和电脑写作之间来来回回。She moves back and forth between writing longhand and on the computer.

所有的东西我都是坐在沙发上速记在黄色的笔记簿上。I write everything in longhand on yellow tablets while sitting on the sofa.

当然作为编码人员,我们都不愿意跟这种“加长”版搅在一起。Of course, we're all coders, so who wants to mess with the longhand version?

哈里这个人非常守旧,至今仍然用普通写法写所有的公函。Harry is one of the old school and still writes all his business letters in longhand.

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可具有讽刺意味的是,在帕特森自己的办公室里却没有任何电脑——他用他的手写了每一本小说。Ironic, given that there's no computer in his home office--Patterson writes all his novels in longhand.

我是跟四个孩子坐在沙发上边吃匹萨饼边看电视时以手写的方式写东西的。I write everything in longhand while sitting on the sofa with my four kids, eating pizza and watching TV.

以下是常用的便于记忆和使用的缩写语法,与原来的代码具有相同的效果。The following are some popular shorthand syntax to memorize and use, with the longhand syntax equivalent preceding it.

所有的东西我都是坐在沙发上速记在黄色的笔记簿上,四个孩子在一边吃比萨饼一边看电视。I write everything in longhand on yellow tablets while sitting on the sofa with my four kids eating pizza and watching TV.

他答应写的书怎么样了呢?他大笑。毫无疑问他将找时间来写这本书。他有帮手,但是他将亲自手写出来。What about that book he promised to write? He laughs. He is definitely putting aside time to write it. He has help, but will write it himself, in longhand.

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撰写你要着重突出的主要成就,用曲折手法写出你做了什么,你是怎么做的,你的行动导致了什么结果。Compose bullet points where you highlight each of your major accomplishments. And fill them in with a longhand version of what you did, how you did it and what happened because of your activity.