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亲戚是热忱的。Relatives will be cordial.

科学应是一种强心剂。Science should be a cordial.

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他的朋友热诚拥抱他。His friends gave him a cordial hug.

你必须要非常自信、很热忱。You have to be assertive and cordial.

她总是对她的顾客莞尔而笑。She always gave her customers cordial smiles.

它披着本色外衣,亲切温暖地包裹起我们。It 's grey coat, wrap up our cordial and warm.

宾主进行了亲切友好的谈话。The two sides held cordial and friendly talks.

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双方进行了亲切友好的交谈。The two sides held a cordial and friendly talk.

温总理的手非常温暖,使我感到非常亲切。Your hand was very warm and I felt very cordial.

这些谈判不论怎么说都是热烈和诚挚的。By all accounts the meetings are warm and cordial.

他因服用兴奋剂被罚停赛已有一年了。He has been forbiden for one year by taking cordial.

宴会始终充满亲切友好的气氛。The banquet was full of cordial and friendly atmospher.

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宾主进行了亲切友好的谈话。The host and the guest held cordial and friendly talks.

身体康健时,空气就是让人难以置信的补剂甜酿。In good health, the air is a cordial of incredible virtue.

请接受我诚挚的谢意,感谢您适时的帮助。Please accept my most cordial thanks for your timely help.

双方在亲切友好的气氛中进行了交谈。Both sides held talks in a cordial and friendly atmosphere.

老公爵情绪很好,亲热地对待皮埃尔。The old prince was in good humour and very cordial to Pierre.

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双方进行了亲切友好的交谈。The two sides held talks in a cordial and friendly atmosphere.

总统在加拿大访问期间受到了热烈的欢迎。The president received a cordial welcome on his visit in Canda.

温家宝向苏西洛转达了胡锦涛主席的亲切问候。Wen conveyed President Hu Jintao’s cordial greetings to Susilo.