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把他们塞入被子。Make them into a quilt.

我有一床百衲被。I have a patchwork quilt.

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这套床具组合多少钱?How much is this quilt set?

画一个有三十个补丁的棉被。Draw a quilt with 30 patches.

他把一条旧被子撕得粉碎。He picked apart an old quilt.

大雨把我的被子都浸湿了。The rain made my quilt soppy.

我家房子被强拆!My house quilt toll breakdown!

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我得用被子盖着头好好喊几声。I have to go scream into a quilt.

目标是把被子全部涂成彩色。The goal is to complete the quilt.

绸缎做被面很受欢迎。Silk is popular for quilt coverings.

总把被子弄漫一大块。Always makes the quilt inundates a bulk.

难道你不知道,爱情,是可以当棉被用的么?Don't you know, love, can be when quilt?

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甚至这条旧的百衲被罩也是一样!Even the old patchwork quilt is the same!

床上有一张被子和一个枕头.There is a quilt and a pillow on the bed.

缝被子的人只花了一天就做好一个被子。The quilters made a quilt in a single day.

搬进来了,没有床单和被套。There is no bedsheet and quilt cover here.

我记得被套还有其他冷。I remember the quilt cover also other cold.

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被子的整体图案设计很别致。The all-over design of the quilt is unique.

这床被子的填充物是人造棉。The quilt is filled with artificial cotton.

被子下两人的气息永在。The smell of the other always in the quilt.