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他反对分裂主义。He disavowed separatism.

在新疆,控告和审讯分离主义者仍在继续。In the XUAR, trials of Uighurs charged with separatism continued.

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维护祖国统一,维护民族团结,反对暴力,反对分裂!One China, United Ethnic Groups, Non-Violence, Against Separatism.

民族认同的极端化极容易演化成民族分离主义。The extremity of national identity evolves easily into national separatism.

也许打了你也白打,这叫做你在搞民族分裂。You also may play a strike, this is called you engage in ethnic separatism.

这种分离主义不再强调开发人员对软件质量的责任。Separatism de-emphasizes the developer's responsibility for software quality.

分离主义和种族冲突一直困扰着后冷战时代的国际社会。Separatism and racial conflict have been haunting the post-Cold War community.

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强制的种族隔离把人降格,消灭了他们对生活的期望。Mandatory racial separatism demeans human beings and forecloses on their life prospects.

从种族隔离的岁月算起,穆斯林社区中心及其清真寺已经走过了漫长的道路。The Muslim Community Center and its mosque have come a long way from the days of separatism.

在泰南问题形成过程中,伊斯兰教发挥了重要作用。Islam played an important role in the formation of Malay Muslim Separatism in Southern Thailand.

他说,‘我赞成全面包容的反歧视法,我不同意这种分离主义观点。’"I believe in universal anti-discrimination laws, " he says. "I don't agree with this separatism."

印度的议会选举、政党政治和地方分离主义等政治领域无不渗透着教派主义的因素。The influences go as far as to the congressional elections, political parties, and regional separatism.

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哈雷一点都不赞同“伊斯兰民族”组织的神学思想和其激烈的种族分离主义的意识形态。Haley was not at all in accord with the Nation's theology or its vehement ideology of racial separatism.

白帝城原名紫阳城,它是新莽时公孙述割据四川之际建筑的。Baidicheng formerly Ziyang City, it is Xinmang Gong Sunshu separatism at a time when the construction of Sichuan.

比如其领土还未实现统一,仍然要警惕民族分裂主义。For instance, the country's territory still needs to be unified and it should be alert about national separatism.

达赖喇嘛的分裂面目和虚伪本质已经为国际社会越来越多的国家和人民所认清。Dalai's hypocritic nature of separatism has been recognized by more and more countries and people around the world.

中国反对达赖喇嘛力图会晤世界领导人,指责达赖喇嘛秘密谋求分离。China challenges attempts by the Dalai Lama to meet with world leaders, accusing him of secretly promoting separatism.

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1371年,明朝洪武四年,察合台汗国灭亡,新疆境内分裂为许多割据政权。In 1371, the Ming Dynasty Hongwu four years, Chagatai Khanate perish, for many separatism in Xinjiang separatist regimes.

由于原因复杂,它在较长时间内难获根本解决。但大国的合作有利于遏制分离主义运动的泛滥和促进东亚地区的稳定。But, the cooperation between the big countries will hold back the separatism and thus guarantee the stability of East Asia.

第二,中国和阿富汗有着对付极端主义、恐怖主义和分裂主义这“三害”的共同利益。Second, both China and Afghanistan share an interest in combatting the "three evils" of extremism, terrorism and separatism.