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它正好落在我的怀里。It fell spang into my lap.

斯潘说最为常见的伤是肌肉拉伤。The most common injury is muscle strain, Spang said.

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斯潘是致力于软件技术,将提高客户的生产率和质量。Spang is committed to the software technologies that will improve customers' productivity and quality.

从1千瓦到兆瓦的范围,斯潘电力电子设计和制造的全系列电源控制器的晶闸管。From 1 kW to the megawatt range, Spang Power Electronics designs and manufactures a full line of SCR power controllers.

斯潘可控硅功率控制器集成了最新的半导体,冷却方式,固态发射电路。Spang SCR power controllers incorporate the latest in semiconductors, cooling methods and solid-state firing circuitry.

为了满足特殊应用的要求,斯潘可控硅功率控制器和选择有范围广泛的特点。To meet the requirements for unique applications, Spang SCR power controllers have a wide range of features and options.

由于斯潘船舶变速电机包预先配置,它不需要任何特殊的安装程序。Since Spang ships the variable speed motor package pre-configured, it does not require any special installation procedures.

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如有需要,斯潘干式变压器,可安装包括用于远程负载匹配无论是作为一个不可分割的组成部分或。Where required, Spang dry-type transformers can be included for load matching either as an integral component or for remote mounting.

在这里输入译文斯潘说,一个更好点的计划就是将锻炼分成一小段一小段的,运动强度增加更经常些,避免锻炼过度过急。A better plan is to break your sessions into smaller, more frequent increments and to avoid exercising too much, too soon, Spang said.

斯潘软件工程师提供完善的设施,最先进的微处理器为基础的控制和计算机接口,我们的产品和系统。Spang software engineers provide state-of-the-art microprocessor-based controls and computer interface to our products and our systems.

斯潘AC电源电力电子设计中心,工艺要求精确匹配的特点和具体的加热元件。Spang Power Electronics designs AC power centers to precisely match the characteristics of specific heating elements and process requirements.

应该说人口结构失衡是直接的诱因,因为收现付机制的基本约束条件在于长期相对稳定的人口结构。The unbalanced population structure is the direct source, since the basic assumption spang is long term relatively stable population structure.

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斯潘说许多人受伤是因为平时不怎么动弹之后又突然进行剧烈的活动项目比如半程马拉松。Spang said many people hurt themselves when they have been inactive and then suddenly take on a major exercise program, such as training for a half-marathon.

斯潘已提供所有主要的美国玻璃制造商,以及许多欧洲和亚洲的主要生产装置,并已在世界各地应用。Spang has supplied all major US glass manufacturers as well as many principal European and Asian producers and has installations in applications around the world.

斯潘电力电子设计的权力中心,以转换各种工业应用广泛,交流电流的直流和抵御甚至最苛刻的环境。Spang Power Electronics designs power centers to convert AC current to DC for a wide variety of industrial applications and to withstand even the harshest of environments.

斯潘工程师侧重于纳入国家的最先进的微处理器为基础的技术为定制设计的数字驱动器,同时提供以客户为中心和应用的专业知识。Spang engineers focus on incorporating state-of-the-art microprocessor-based technology into custom-designed digital drives while offering customer focus and application expertise.

斯潘电力电子设计干式变压器在5和15千伏电压班下台功率分配到工业应用在商业或利用电压。Spang Power Electronics designs dry-type transformers in 5 and 15 kV classes to step down power from the distribution voltage to the utilization voltage in commercial or industrial applications.

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斯潘意识到,一个直流电源不提供最高性能的一年又一年将花费您的利润,所以斯潘最高质量和可靠性设计,每个电源的。Spang realizes that a DC power supply which doesn't deliver peak performance year in and year out will cost you profit, so Spang designs each power supply for the highest quality and reliability.