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而且谨慎不应该被误解为失败主义。Yet wariness should not be mistaken for defeatism.

历史表明绝对应当谨慎使用“衰退”一词。There certainly is a history of wariness about using the R-word.

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另外一个问题就是许多大陆游客方面明显存在的小心谨慎。The other problem is a palpable wariness on the part of many mainlanders.

龚不断提高消费和投资的谨慎程度是有原因的。Gong's increasing wariness of spending and investing comes with good reasons.

未来几个月市场的疲软以及投资者对中国股票的戒心可能会妨碍京东世纪的上市计划。Market weakness in the months ahead or investor wariness toward China stocks could trip up Jingdong's plans.

印度的私人投资者受2008年大跌的影响,相比于国外投资者表现的更加担忧。And Indian individual investors, burned by the 2008 crash, have shown more wariness than foreign money managers.

他们并且害怕中国正在开始将它的经济力量注入更强的军事领域,更增加了他们的担心。And fears that China is starting to pour its economic might into a more powerful military is adding to the wariness.

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由于美国的税率相对较低,并且受到传统的“政府尽量少插手家庭事务”的政治观念的影响,没有仿效瑞典。The United States — with lower taxes and traditional wariness of state meddling in family affairs — is not among them.

这种地区性的戒心带来的后果就是中国投入了数十亿开展魅力攻势,以增强软实力。The result of this regional wariness is that China is spending billions on a charm offensive to increase its soft power.

我和雌驴四目相接,她的侧腹部抖动着,带着一种野生动物特有的戒心望着我。Our eyes met and the female's flanks shuddered as she watched me with a wariness that only a true wild thing can display.

林布兰把自己的眼睛视为灵魂的窗户,透露了他的年龄和谨慎。Rembrandt's depiction of his own eyes classically served as the windows to his soul, revealing his years and his wariness.

他过去的孤独生活完全建筑在想象和怀疑的基础上,使他远离了一切可以让他开阔眼界的事物。His solitary life , fed entirely by his imagination and his wariness , had distanced him from any possible source of onlightenment.

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但上升仍未有放下对细响的戒心,并怀疑细响暗中与其他囚犯策划大型行动。Rising but still no put down the wariness of thin ring, and suspect thin ring secretly planning large-scale action with other prisoners.

不过,近来如此规模的倒闭已经为众人所知,这意味着这次怀疑和谨慎将不会那么容易消散。But the sheer scale of the failings that have come to light recently mean that suspicion and wariness will not vanish so easily this time around.

虽然一些拉美国家与中国之间的贸易额在逐年上升,但由于实际行事方式与其宣称的地区关系主体并不一致,因此这些国家在和中国打交道时也越来越小心谨慎。While not the dominant theme in the region’s relations with China, a wariness is crystallizing in some countries over the booming trade with China.

不知怎么回事,很难得的是将这新的一年定位成兴奋,然后转变为小心翼翼,再变为警告,最后变成一堆关于时间自然性质的无意义的问题。Somehow, it is harder to place the moment when the excitement of a new year turned to wariness and then to alarm and then to futile questions about the nature of time.

尽管工商银行在收购美国金融业资产方面分外小心,但姜建清表示该行正热切地等待美国监管机构将其纽约办事处升格为分行。Despite ICBC's wariness toward the U. S. , Mr. Jiang said it is 'anxiously awaiting' approval from U. S. regulators to convert its New York representative office into a branch.

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安倍无视福岛后公众对于核能源的警惕,暗示他将重启核反应堆,不管公众说什么,或者是事实上,甚至是全国步枪协会怎么说。Abe is ignoring the public's wariness of nuclear power afterFukushima, signaling that he will restart the reactors, no matter WHAT thepublic says, or indeed, even what the NRA says.

陈一龙是一个既狂妄又自卑的人,他一方面对魏涛戒心很大,一方面又有强烈的欲望要把他征服。Chen Yilong is already madcap self-abased person, he is opposite on one hand wariness of billows of the Kingdom of Wei is very big, on one hand again strong desire wants to conquer him.

但由于中国与印度宿敌巴基斯坦具有长期友好关系,另外中印两国数十年的边界争端曾导致1962年的边界战争,因此两国必须打破这些历史问题导致的彼此防范。But the neighbours must also break down historic wariness over China's traditional friendship with Indian arch rival Pakistan, and a decades-long border dispute that flared into war in 1962.