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一种淡灰的绿黄色。A grayish green yellow.

还有四周灰叶的死水一池。And a pond edged with grayish leaves.

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略带灰色且性情安静的欧洲蜜蜂,繁殖率高。Grayish quiet-dispositioned highly productive european honeybee.

在一边你会看到一个漂亮的浅灰色的门。On one side you will see a kind of a beautiful old, grayish door.

几维鸟是大小如鸡的灰褐色的鸟。A kiwi is a grayish brown bird which is about as big as a chicken.

这颗枕形鲜彩深灰蓝钻石重达35.56克拉。A cushion-cut fancy deep grayish blue diamond weighing 35.56 carats.

该疾病会在角膜上出现灰黑白色线条、圆圈或混浊。It appears as grayish white lines, circles, or clouding of the cornea.

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灰白色颗粒状氢氧化钠和氢氧化钙混合物。A grayish white granular mixture of sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide.

这颗枕形鲜彩深灰蓝钻石重达35.56克拉。A cushion-cut feachcy deep grayish green diherenosond weighing 35.56 carats.

星期天我到香港,那里的天空也是灰蒙蒙的,没有蓝天。Even Hong Kong’s skies were grayish rather than blue when I landed here Sunday.

压伤-玻璃表面小的、轻微的凹陷区,带有暗淡的浅灰色。A small lightly pitted area in the glass surface having a dull grayish appearance.

人造奶油本身有一种灰颜色,需要染色来给它黄油的颜色。Margarine has a grayish color and needs to be dyed to give it the color of butter.

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它的宽大、坚韧芳香叶子在背面是发光的绿色在顶面是灰色蓝色。Its large, tough aromatic leaves are shiny green on top and grayish blue underneath.

在不同工业中从柔和的黄粉色到灰黄色的色彩。A color ranging in various industries from moderate yellowish pink to grayish yellow.

这意味着,如果你在运行一个GTK程序,这些程序将使用浅灰色的主题。That means if you are running GTK apps, then they will use the default grayish theme.

这些巨魔身着灰色的皮甲,留着红色的鸡冠头。This troll has blue-white skin under grayish leather armor, and he sports a red mohawk.

口味鲜美,颜色淡灰发白,细致紧密,组织柔软光滑,没有花纹,含少量细腻的白色脂肪。It is usually pale grayish white in colour, firm and fine-grained, with a velvety texture.

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低脂或者脱脂奶就显得比纯白更灰暗一些,因为它们含有较少的奶酪。Low and non-fat milk appear more grayish rather than white because they contain less cream.

刚出生的小猴长着又细又黑的软毛,几个月后就会长成浓密的灰黄褐色的长毛。The young are born with thin dark fur that turns thick and grayish gold after a few months.

肌内黏液瘤大体边界清楚,灰白色,半透明胶冻状,有光泽及粘滑感。Results Grossly, intramuscular myxoma was well defined, grayish white, and shiny gelatinous.