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不需要桶或铲子。No pail and shovel required.

他拿起一把铲就干上了。He seized a shovel and set to.

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顺便问一下,铲子在哪里?By the way, where is the shovel?

把铁锨靠墙放着。Lean the shovel against the wall.

爱心犹如一把铲能把痛苦斩草除根。Love is like a shovel to the pain.

一个金星人拎着一把铁锹,走了过来。One was coming, carrying a shovel.

拉根一铲子把他打倒在地。Ruggam felled him with his shovel.

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提米,从车里拿把铁锨过来…Timmy, get the shovel from the car.

他往火炉里加了一铲煤。He put a shovel of coal on to the fire.

只是一铲土,大功告成!Only a shovel of dirt and the job is done!

我们正在用石板铺我们的花园小径。Shovel the snow away from the garden path.

父亲放下铁锨,干咳着。The father dropped his shovel and coughed.

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这里要锹和镐头干什么?What business has a pick and a shovel here?

我们当然不会用铁铲埋葬你们。Of course we will not bury you with a shovel.

一个长柄,圆头什么样的铁铲呢?One long-handled, round-point, size 0 shovel.

小孩用铲子将泥沙压紧。The child packed the sand down with his shovel.

同时他把锹和镐放在方砖地上。And he laid the shovel and mattock on the floor.

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他望着海面,看到两条犁头鲨游近来了。Watching, he saw two shovel nosed sharks closing in.

于是,他请来乡亲邻居,铲脏土投入井里。He invited his neighbors to shovel dirt into the well.

用茶匙铲煤是荒缪可笑的。It will be preposterous to shovel coal with a teaspoon.