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这个精神病人企图在医院放火。The psychotic attempted to fire the hospital.

被洗脑不表示他们有精神病。Brainwashing didn't mean that they are psychotic.

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我认为他的正常就是他最神经质的事。I think his normalness is the most psychotic thing.

然后传来一阵令人惊骇的叫声,就像鬣狗发疯似的笑声一般。Then a hideous sound, like a hyena's psychotic LAUGH.

第一次因精神症状而休息之前,她是一名歌手。Before her first psychotic break, she had been a singer.

奥氮平也有助于解除精神病性的抑郁。Olanzapine may also help relieve psychotic depression.19

如果是个精神病前女友我可受不了.I wouldn't be too happy if it was a psychotic ex-girlfriend.

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他们对44例精神病违法者的纵火行为进行了分析。They have an analysis on action of pyromania in 44 criminal psychotic cases.

这些能和狗的智商相媲美的猪,经常会变得精神失常。These pigs, which have an I.Q. comparable to dogs, routinely become psychotic.

这个方面在有强烈精神病性焦虑的患者身上尤其明显。This aspect is particularly vivid in patients with strong psychotic anxieties.

“我当时才23、24岁,而且要对付某个精神崩溃的人,”他说。"I was 23, 24 and coping with someone having a psychotic breakdown, " he said.

有的老板是过分的用意志控制别人,很躁郁很神经。There are bosses who are mind-controlling abusers, manic-depressive and psychotic.

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以施虐为主要动机的虐杀者,但拥有精神病态性格。Torture-murderers, with torture as the primary motive, but in psychotic personalities.

双向情感障碍的精神病症状往往表现出当时的极端心境状态。Psychotic symptoms in bipolar disorder tend to reflect the extreme mood state at the time.

利培酮治疗AD及MID的精神病性等症状疗效肯定。It is suggested that risperidone has definite efficacy on psychotic symptoms of AD and MID.

例如,几乎所有的普-威二氏综合症患儿都患有精神失常。For example, almost all children with Prader- Willi syndrome suffer from psychotic disorders.

你是阿尔佛雷德,对吗?-是的,先生。-我应该当心任何精神错乱的前男友吗?You're Alfred, right? -That's right, sir. -Any psychotic ex- boyfriends I should be aware of?

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目的探讨待分类的精神病性和非精神病性精神障碍临床特征。Objective To probe into the clinical feature of unspecified psychotic and nonpsychotic disorder.

当她发展了观察中的自我,这帮她承认她有精神病症状的时刻。As she developed an observing ego, it helped her recognize when she was having psychotic symptoms.

纳特承认,对于精神病症来说,吸食大麻会带来一个“相对较小的风险”。Nutt acknowledged there was a "relatively small risk" of psychotic illness linked to cannabis use.