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我爱奥斯汀!I love Austin !

我们也在奥斯汀。We are also in Austin.

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我开车去东奥斯丁。I drove into East Austin.

奥斯汀在2008年离开布罗肯鲍。Austin left Broken Bow in 2008.

奥斯汀是十,海登是五。Austin is ten and Haiden is five.

他们的名字是奥斯汀和海登。Their names are Austin and Haiden.

欢迎光临奥斯汀四季酒店。Welcome to Four Seasons Hotel Austin.

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奥斯汀预料自己会被当场枪毙。Austin expected to be shot on the spot.

凯特•米德尔顿,竟是简•奥斯汀的远房亲戚?Kate Middleton, a Relative of Jane Austin?

几个月后,她在奥斯丁遇见了第二个他。She met him again in Austin a few months later.

美国之音台长奥斯汀驳斥了伊朗的指责。VOA Director Dan Austin has rejected Iran's accusations.

我们在奥斯汀和圣安东尼度过了愉快的几天。We spend several enjoyable days at Austin and San Antonio.

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到2050年,西雅图、波特兰和奥斯汀也可以加入其中。By 2050, Seattle, Portland and Austin could join their ranks.

你能区分奥斯丁舞和莫利斯舞吗?。Can't you tell the difference between an Austin and a Morris?

奥斯丁被投进了墨西哥城的监狱,他被关了一年半。Austin was put in prison in Mexico City for a year and a half.

奥斯汀的得克萨斯大学研究它们。Harold Zakon studies them at the University of Texas at Austin.

实际上没有奥斯汀1000或以前运营的产品那样好。Not actually as good as the Austin 1100 series that went before.

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另外一个儿子奥斯丁在这个公司亚利桑那州的麦迪逊俱乐部工作。C. , and The Madison Club in Arizona, Which son Austin is working on.

他的作业是写一篇20页的文章评论简?奥斯汀。His assignment was to write a 20-page critical review of Jane Austin.

青草视频在线播放是的,奥斯汀,你还想在今晚之后再见到我吗?。I do. And do you, Austin Ames, ever wanna see me again after tonight?