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奥罗斯科说道,“我来自乡村,那里有许多看起来是超现实主义的艺术品。I come from a country where a lot of art is labelled surrealist.

他只是给出了一个介乎现实与记忆之间的超现实主义的世界。He offers simply a surrealist world located between reality and memory.

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这种款式叫做“维克多和罗尔佛超现实礼服",我将它叫作"流行女装的疯狂".These are Viktor and Rolf Surrealist Gowns, that's what I call haute couture craziness.

超现实主义艺术家们的作画方式使他们的绘画看起来好像是来自梦幻王国。Surrealist artists painted in such a manner that their pictures seem as if they came from the realm of dreams.

在程亚杰的创作里,我们体验了近似超现实主义所散发的神秘感。With Cheng Yajie we are confronted with a certain sense of mystery reminiscent of the Surrealist pronouncement.

这个艺术展的组织者邀请邦帕的公司设计一种食物来响应这次展览的超现实主义主题。The art show’s organizers asked his company to come up with a response in food to the exhibition’s surrealist theme.

它看上去让人迷惑,网格状的半桥悬浮在半空中,多少有些超现实主义画作的味道。It was disorienting to look at that latticed half-bridge leaving off in midair like some sort of Surrealist painting.

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它看上去就像是超现实主义画作中那块融化的怀表,作为礼物肯定新颖别致!Looking exactly like the soft melting pocket watch from well-known surrealist painting it will be an excellent gift idea!

不过,该城也有一流的餐馆和萨尔瓦多·达利博物馆,那里收藏了这位超现实主义画家的大量作品。But the city also has excellent restaurants and a Salvador Dali Museum with a large collection of the surrealist painter's works

达利是超现实主义运动中的一员,并且用他的笔画出了最为流行的超现实主义形象,这一点是勿庸置疑的。Dali is a Surrealist movement in one, and with his strokes out of the most popular image of super-realism and this is undoubted.

爱德华多·纳兰霍是当代西班牙著名的超现实主义大师,是一位传统技法和现代观念结合的探索者。Eduardo Naranjo is a contemporary famous Spanish surrealist master, and a seeker of combination of traditional techniques and modern ideas.

房子后部的拆除图纸被分成相等的正方形,并且以超现实主义的立体方式重新布置。Demolition drawings of the existing rear portion of the house were cut up into equal squares & re-arranged in a surrealist cubomania manner.

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那些奇形怪状、不可思议有时甚至吓人的形象,好象是个封神捏就的世界——有时却又是个超现实主义的奇美的世界。Fantastic, incredible, and sometimes frightening shapes, a world configurated by a mad god—and sometimes a world also of strange surrealist beauty.

在超现实主义的想象中,阈限被视为在清醒和梦境之间,或清醒状态下意识与潜意识之间的开始阶段。In surrealist thinking, the liminal has been seen as the threshold stage between waking and dream, or the conscious and subliminal states of awareness.

这种果酱叫作“神秘果酱”,它是伦敦巴比肯美术馆超现实主义艺术展的一部分,该艺术展还包括萨尔瓦多·达利和勒内·马格�特的作品。The preserve, called “occult jam,” is part of a surrealist art show at London's Barbican Art Gallery that includes exhibits by Salvador Dali and Rene Margritte.

我的童年里到处是那种东西,我讨厌那种像梦一样,潇洒,淡定,诗一样,充满XG,并且漂亮的超现实主义风格。I grew up with it and I hate that kind of dreamlike, evasive , easy, poetic , sexual, cheesy surrealist practice, " he declares. "I try to be a realist, " he adds.

达利是二十世纪最伟大的超现实主义画家,他与毕加索、马蒂斯一起被认为是二十世纪最有代表性的三个画家。He is considered as the greatest artist of the surrealist art movement and one of the greatest masters of art of the twentieth century, along with Picasso and Matisse.

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马永强在作品中对透视的运用,让我想起超现实主义艺术家达利在某些作品中,以独特的透视角度呈现对象的手段。Perspective used in Ma Yongqiang's works reminds me of the surrealist artist Dali, who, in some works, used the means by unique perspective point of view to present objects.

毕业于著名的中央美术学院,陈李的作品则以抽象清高的隐喻、超现实主义的隐喻及联想来表达他所感知的周遭事物。Graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts, Chen Li expresses his feelings about the objects around him by an abstract, high-hearted or surrealist metaphor and association of ideas.

多年以来,我一直在探讨应该在机场设立冥想室,取代鱼子酱商店和汽车展示厅,但我感觉自己更象是超现实主义的梦想家,而非清醒冷静的决策者。For years I have been arguing that airports should have meditation rooms rather than caviar emporiums and car showrooms but I felt more like a surrealist dreamer than a sober policymaker.