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杰克被炸成碎片了。Jack has been blown to smithereens.

爆炸中桥被炸得粉碎。The explosion blew the bridge to smithereens.

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在战争中有很多房屋被炸成碎片。So many houses were blown to smithereens in the war.

她把玻璃杯撞在墙上砸得粉碎。She dashed the glass into smithereens against the wall.

每次我提出建议,他都把我主意否定。Every time I suggest an idea. He blows it to smithereens.

每次我提的建议都被他全盘否定。Every time i suggest an idea, he blowns it to smithereens.

不要给我一个绚丽多姿的梦,再亲手打的粉碎。Don't give me a colorful dream, then personally into smithereens.

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如果她唱的声音足够大,玻璃就会震成碎片。And if she sings loudly enough, the glass will vibrate itself to smithereens.

英雄倒在手榴弹上,为了挽救朋友的生命而被炸成碎片。Heroes fall on grenades and get blown smithereens in order to savetheirbuddies.

之后是小天狼星举起了魔杖,把小矮星“炸成粉碎”。" Then they said that Sirius raised his wand and blasted Pettigrew "to smithereens.

英雄倒在手榴弹上,为了挽救朋友的生命而被炸成碎片。Heroes fall on grenades and get blown to smithereens in order to save their buddies.

上面已经传达下了命令,要把这些家伙弄到一个合适的地方,然后把他们轰成碎片。Orders had come down to move them to an appropriate site and blow them all to smithereens.

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伤心的是,还没有开始享用它们前,一个穿长筒靴的侍者就把它们跺得粉碎。Sadly, a jackbooted waiter stamps them to smithereens before you have begun to enjoy them.

在那次交战中,英军埋设了4万磅中等烈度的炸药,把上千德军士兵炸成齑粉。In that the British places 40, 000lb of medium explosives which blew hundreds of Germans to smithereens.

这听起来有点可怕,但要保证百分之百的安全,唯一的办法就是彻底销毁硬盘。It sounds extreme, but the only way to be 100 percent safe is to smash your hard drive into smithereens.

在第二次世界大战期间,米兰市中心被炸弹破坏严重,特别是歌剧院被炸成碎片。During WWII central Milan was heavily bombed, and the opera house in particular was blown to smithereens.

他只任职了几个星期,就在贝鲁特的一次汽车炸弹事件中遇难。He too only survived a few weeks, before he was blown to smithereens in a massive car bomb blast in Beirut.

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同时,中国七千万穆斯林必须保持安静,并眼看加沙神圣的伊斯兰圣地在炮火下灰飞烟灭。Meanwhile, China's 70 million Muslims must sit by silently and watch Gaza's holy Islamic sites being blasted to smithereens.

人们能够循着那些小小的点找到何鹏的思维方向,那些点就是冥想过程的片断。One can track He Peng's thoughts direction by following those tiny little spots, which are the smithereens of meditation process.

诺曼底登陆时,为了尽量减少士兵伤亡,英美联军选择在部队打入城市之前先把目标地炸为平地。In the Normandy campaign the Americans and British sought to minimise their casualties by bombing places to smithereens before their soldiers went in.