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威廉·崔佛和汤姆·杜瑞。William Trevor and Tom Drury.

你有见过那个住在英国德鲁里巷的邮递员吗?Have you seen the postman, who lives in Drury Lane?

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对,我知道松饼人,她住在特鲁里街?Yes, I know the muffin man, who Iives on Drury Lane?

他被父亲带出来当上了老德鲁瑞剧院的演员。He was brought out by his father on the boards of Old Drury.

“发展计划处理这些事的角度不对,”特鲁利说。"The development plans approach the matter from the wrong angle, " said Drury.

“你通常只能获得一次成为上市公司首席执行官的机会,”德鲁里表示。“You usually only get one chance to be a public company chief executive, ” Mr Drury says.

在第二局加拿大队又扳平了比分,但是美国队的克里斯·德鲁瑞又让美国队以3比2领先。Canada evened the game in the 2nd period, but American Chris Drury put Team USA ahead, 3 to 2.

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在她去世考文特花园和哲瑞雷恩日闭幕,作为她的记忆赞扬他们的门。On the day of her death Covent Garden and Drury Lane closed their doors as a tribute to her memory.

在另一张传单上,他就是“伦敦特勒雷巷剧院扮演莎士比亚的世界著名悲剧演员小迦里克①。”In another bill he was the "world-renowned Shakespearian tragedian, Garrick the Younger, of Drury Lane, London."

在一位名声显赫的校友的帮助之下,美国密苏里州斯普林菲尔德市的杜利大学,为美国中西部地区创立了一项极具人情味的教育课程。With the help of one famous alumnus, Drury University in Springfield, Mo., is giving the Heartland a humane education.

在三化螟与荔枝蝽脂肪体中均存在谷氨酸脱氢酶。Glutamic dehydrogenase was found to be present in the fat bodies of Tryporyza incertulas Walker and Tessaratoma papittosa Drury.

美国白蛾为外来入侵种,现已扩散蔓延到辽宁、河北、天津、山东、陕西、上海等省市。Hyphantria cunea Drury is a exotic species and has invaded and spread to Liaoning, Hebei, Tianjin, Shandong, Shanxi and Shanghai.

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加拿大一家公司正在开发一套用于意念控制的系统,这种系统将会改变人们对外界的传统认识。A pioneering Toronto-based company is developing thought control technology it says will change the way people interact with their everyday surroundings. Jim Drury reports.

诺维奇队这边将失去拉宾与福瑟林汉。拉宾将被特鲁里替代,而贾森。夏凯尔也将从膝伤中恢复。Norwich will be without the ineligible pair Simon Lappin and Mark Fotheringham. Adam Drury will return to replace Lappin, and Jason Shackell could play after recovering from an ankle injury.

他们的婚姻证明有利于阿尔纳在伦敦剧院,他成为在特鲁里街的房子作曲家,并写了戏剧和哑剧,在未来数年的音乐。The marriage proved beneficial to Arne's position in the London theatre as he became house composer at Drury Lane, and wrote music for a number of plays and pantomimes over the next few years.