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把那幅画像拿下来。Down with the portrait.

他的肖像比他本人漂亮。His portrait flatters him.

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把画像挂端正。Hang the portrait straight.

一些女人的肖像。The portrait of some woman.

人像镜头跑哪儿去啦?Where are the portrait lenses?

我想照张全家福。I wanna take a family portrait.

你看见我的点刻画像了?Did you see my stipple portrait?

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本句指画中画的是怀特先生。This is a portrait of Mr. White.

这张肖像是写生的。The portrait is drawn from the life.

他以肖像画家著名。He was renowned as a portrait painter.

不怎么拍人像。Never done too much portrait shooting.

是支持自动旋转到纵向?Is auto-rotation to portrait supported?

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我从阁楼上搜出这幅画像。I unearthed the portrait from the attic.

我们的理解完成了整幅画面。Our understanding completes the portrait.

特别许克威照片肖像鞋垫。Special Jerry Hsu photo portrait footbeds.

这部小说并不完全是谄媚的。It was not an entirely flattering portrait.

他的肖像用一个很别致的框裱起来。His portrait was mounted in the fancy frame.

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我把我的自画像装框挂房间里。I framed my portrait and hung it in my room.

需要推荐的是他的肖像摄影。Marc McAndrews is good at portrait shooting.

作为英雄的烈士,Ziu的肖像也在那里。Ziu's portrait is there as an heroic martyr.