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你们站在家门口。You stand in the doorway.

她冲出大门口。She burst throught the doorway.

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蹑著脚尖走到门口再回来。Tiptoe to the doorway and back.

门口有双顽皮的眼睛在朝里张望。Impish eyes peered from the doorway.

华勃站在门口。Whopper was standing in the doorway.

那名暗探急忙钻进门口。The spy dived quickly into a doorway.

门道里站着一个拿枪的人。In the doorway stood a man with a gun.

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他们走近了,在门口停住了。Nearer they come, cease at the doorway.

她在门口向我们挥手告别。She waved adieu to us from the doorway.

汤姆站正在门心吃着热狗。Tom is eating a hot dog in the doorway.

四个老婆子聚在一家大门口聊天。Four gossips were chatting in a doorway.

一个女人突地出现在门口。A woman suddenly appeared in the doorway.

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一个女人蓦地出现在门口。A woman suddenly appeared in the doorway.

雷蒙德的头从门口探了出来。Raymond's head poked through the doorway.

弗勒盯着她走出门口。FOLLMER stares after her from the doorway.

门廊位于一个有支架的天蓬下。The doorway sits under a bracketed canopy.

他四仰八叉地躺在那儿,堵住了门廊。There he lay, sprawled across the doorway.

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琼斯先生突然在门口出现。Mr. Jones suddenly appeared in the doorway.

他听到门口有上气不接下气的喘息声。He heard a breathless voice from his doorway.

于是叫了她来,她就站在门口。So he called her, and she stood in the doorway.