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果然是他。It was he.

但是,这是的。But it was.

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他非常懒He was lazy.

我是史波克。I was Spock.

天冷起来了。It was cold.

它是真实的。It was real.

它是怎么编写的呢What was it?

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他是个盲人。He was blind.

我一团乱。I was a mess.

我是个窝囊废。I was a wimp.

我很担心。I was afraid.

那时我是单身。I was single.

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是埃里卡。It was Erica.

空白的。It was blank.

是迪斯科。It was disco.

这是其一。That was one.

当时是你吗?That was you?

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他是一只羊怪。He was a Faun.

他就是一个婴儿。He was a baby.

他是一只长筒靴。He was a boot.