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曹丽报道Cao Li reports.

曹先生爱它非常。Cao loved it very much.

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青蛙军曹的工资是?Is frog army Cao salary?

于是曹操就被打败了。Thus Cao Cao was defeated.

曹牧天,你快到这儿来。Cao Mutian, come over here.

吴敏马上通知曹政。Wu Min immediately notify cao.

我叫曹涵璎,来自上海。I am Cao Hanying from Shanghai.

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梦做的最有水平的要数曹雪芹了。Dream most level than Cao Xueqin.

曹刚的方案也得到了李彪的支持。Cao scheme also got LiBiao support.

曹老师终于找到他的搓衣板了!Finally Mr Cao found his washboard!

但他的妻子曹静云却反对这么做。But his wife Cao Jingyun was opposed.

曹操相信了黄盖要投降。Cao Cao believed what Huang Gai said.

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曹操大大欢喜听这个。Cao Cao greatly rejoiced to hear this.

袁绍退军急回,背后曹军赶来。Cao Cao's army harried his rear guard.

李澄之,尉氏人,以五言诗名。Cheng Li s, Weishi people to name the Cao.

琼斯夫人,这是我们的校长,曹先生。Mrs. Jones, this is our headmaster, Mr. Cao.

痛苦了三个月后,曹生源非常终死了。After three months of pain, Cao finally died.

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振锋转向曹老板入手,但曹老板已不知所终。Back to the boss of cao, but cao boss have go.

我的姓是曹,也有日的意思。My family name is Cao that also means the sun.

作者是清代文学家曹雪芹。The author was Cao Xueqin of the Qing Dynasty.