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他对所有工作都兢兢业业。He shows great assiduity in all his work.

温和但有穿透力的寒冷。I vanquished her coldness with my assiduity.

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“您的要求,是我们的追求”是公司的自勉和承诺。That"Your requirement is our pursuing"is Zhongli is assiduity and promise.

我们本着“没有积累就没有成功”的企业理念认真做好每件事。Bearing in mind the company spirit "no accumulation, no success", we work with assiduity.

不过,所有的新闻正是那些向我们兜售丧失专注力的工具的大企业和制度的产物。But what is new is the assiduity with which companies and institutions are selling us the tools of distraction.

认真是我的长处,自信是我的进步,吃苦是我的功夫,诚信是我的理念。Earnest is my strongpoint, self-confidence is my advancement, assiduity is my skill, and sincerity is my wager.

当地人都唯恐避之不及,空出租车也一样——也就是说,你一旦进去,就甭想很快出来了。Locals avoid it with almost the same assiduity as empty cabs do meaning once you're in there's no quick escape.

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山西商人大多数白手起家,一步一步走向成功,他们靠的是勤俭吃苦的创业精神。Nearly all the Shanxi merchants build up from nothing to success step by step with their assiduity to carve out.

当地人避开这个地方就像空出租车一样兢兢业业,意味是你一旦进去,就无法迅速逃离出来。Locals avoid it with almost the same assiduity as empty cabs do, meaning once you're in, there's no quick escape.

广大员工,沿着中心发展的方向,兢兢业业,积极进取,爱岗敬业,朝着共同的目标一同奋进,取得了巨大的成绩。All staffs followed the developing direction of Royal and worked with assiduity for the same goal, we finally gained a lot.

他的债主们也在寻他,爱慕的心不及马吕斯,而顽强却不在马吕斯之下,也都没能抓到他。His creditors had also sought him, with less love than Marius, but with as much assiduity , and had not been able to lay their hands on him.

勤俭节约固然重要,投资理财,让银子发挥最大作用同样重要。Not only are assiduity and thrift crucial in life, but also investment and financing are of great importance for money achieving its maximum impact.

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我们坚信,我们的专业水平和钻研精神肯定会给你提供优质的产品与服务。We convict that we would offer the high quality products and the circumspect service for you due to our professional level and the assiduity spirit.

德智体美,全面发展,刻苦钻研,锐意进取,坚持的求事实精神,勇于探索和创新。With the development of virtue , wisdom, physical and art , we are assiduity and persistent , we are insist truth and we have the courage to explore the world.

他熟悉民刑法律,也许不在州内任何人之下,但是他从来没有下苦功去实地应用他的知识,所以在律师界并没有卓越的成绩。He knew common and criminal law, perhaps, as well as any citizen of his State, but he had never practised with that assiduity which makes for pre-eminent success at the bar.

机灵鬼性情一向相当阴沉,很少跟着起哄,如果这种找乐对事情有妨碍的话,他这时毫不含糊地把奥立弗的衣袋搜刮了一遍。The Artful, meantime, who was of a rather saturnine disposition, and seldom gave way to merriment when it interfered with business, rifled Oliver's pockets with steady assiduity.

所以要使学生真正形成一种能够促进学习行为的积极的学习态度,关键在于使他们产生对学习的愉悦体验和强烈的投入意愿。Therefore, the key to form active learning attitude which could promote learning behavior was to make students experience the happy of study and foster their spirit of assiduity.

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经过几年的教学实践,体会到只要勤学苦练,大胆地说,就能迅速提升教师的英语语言表达能力,圆满完成教学任务。After several years of teaching practice, realized as long as assiduity bold to say that can quickly enhance teachers of English language skills, the successful completion of teaching tasks.

十五个月以来第一次,他心里想到那位天天陪着女儿坐在那里的先生也许已经注意他,并会觉得他这样殷勤有些古怪。For the first time in fifteen months, he said to himself that that gentleman who sat there every day with his daughter, had,on his side, noticed him, and probably considered his assiduity singular.