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他轻蔑地瞄了一眼那个囚犯。He cast a disdainful glance at the prisoner.

斯内普轻蔑的看了一眼哈利。Snape stared at Harry with a disdainful look.

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他假装出摇滚明星般倔傲的任性。He affects the disdainful petulance of a rock star.

对此,他唯一的答复便是一个轻蔑的微笑。To which his only reply would be a disdainful smile.

网友“倨傲的牛仔”提出不同观点。Netizen " disdainful bull-puncher " offer different point of view.

“你从哪儿找到这些漂亮的花儿的?”卡廷卡用一种鄙夷的语气问。"Where did you find these fine things?" asked Katinka, in a disdainful voice.

甚至蒙古世界性的自由主义者也公然蔑视他们的南邻。Even cosmopolitan liberals are unabashedly disdainful of their southern neighbours.

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在这狂欢的气氛里,唯有乔纳生孤单单站着,充满了鄙夷和愤恨。In this euphoric atmosphere, Jonathan stood aloof, alone, disdainful and resentful.

马份一家人看不起那些血统不纯正的巫师家庭。The Malfoy family was disdainful of any one who was not of a pureblood wizarding family.

“那你肯定是个傻瓜,”金枪鱼说。然后他轻蔑甩了一下尾巴游走了。"Then you must be a fool, " then tuna said. And with a disdainful flick of his tail, he swam away.

水仙据说是一个奇妙的美丽年轻的男人,但无法忍受的骄傲,挑剔,和轻蔑。Narcissus is said to have been a young man of wonderful beauty, but intolerably proud, fastidious, and disdainful.

所谓的“漏洞钱”的轻蔑当地人,资金是为了帮助建立新的业务领域,如旅业。Called "bug money" by disdainful locals, the funds are supposed to help set up new businesses in fields such as tourism.

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英国媒体和政府一如既往地对这位印度反对殖民统治的领袖表示出轻蔑的态度。The British press as well as the government routinely took this disdainful view of India’s leading anti-colonial campaigner.

得知老太太病倒了,帕蒂和沃尔特赶去北方,留下乔伊在家,由对他满怀鄙视的姐姐来照管。At the news of her collapse, Patty and Walter hurried up north, leaving Joey to be supervised by his disdainful older sister.

他不仅富于理想主义,而且很瞧不起较老的,非商业定位的慈善机构模式。And like the others, he is both intensely idealistic and close to disdainful about the older, less business-orientated charity models.

俱乐部需要一个起点,次要比赛对球迷其实不乏吸引力,但温格对之不屑一顾。The club needs to find a starting point, but Wenger has been disdainful of lesser prizes that might actually be alluring to supporters.

前者是个二十岁的姑娘,苗条、纤弱,有一张苍白、标致的脸,脸上明摆着一种瞧不起人的优越感。The former is a girl of twenty, slender, delicate, with a pale, pretty face marred by a self-conscious expression of disdainful superiority.

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帕姆在他们大学开学第二周遇见保罗的时候,他是个瘦骨如柴、喜好独处的人,厌恶女孩就像他不喜欢饮酒和体育一样。When Pam discovered Paul, in their second week of college, he was a gaunt loner who was almost as disdainful of girls as he was of alcohol and sports.

当涉及到本国利益时,北京方面对小国可以采取蔑视、恐吓的态度。Beijing can be disdainful and bullying toward smaller countries when it comes to its own interests, as observers of Mekong River politics will confirm.

也许他的这种不修边幅的气派,不仅不会减少,而且只会增加他那堂堂仪表和魁伟身材的特殊魅力。Perhaps the peculiar effect of his fine farm and great stature was increased rather than lessened, by this unstudied and disdainful air of indifference.