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这名观众名叫安德鲁。This is from Andrew at the Occasional.

因为你偶尔的多愁善感。Because of your occasional sentimentality.

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工作中有偶尔的休息时间。There are occasional breaks in the work-day.

但是“极其偶然”也是过奖了。But even "very occasional" was too much for me.

爱是容忍他偶尔的胡茬。Love is putting up with his occasional stubble.

菜单中包括了偶尔会有的非传统菜肴。The menu includes the occasional off-beat item.

然而,偶尔雨量增大,盐场则溢水成湖。Occasional rains do, however, fill them with water.

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他的右肩有时感到轻微的疼痛。He gets the occasional niggle in his right shoulder.

我有时能跑在树荫下,甚至,甚至有了什么?I had occasional shade and even, wait what was that?

没养宠物,不吸烟,偶尔饮酒。No pets, no smoking, occasional alcohol consumption.

懂得运用生命偶尔的滑跌,有时会成为转机。Occasional downfalls can make a turn for the better.

我倒挺喜欢偶尔出趟差,换换心情。I like take an occasional business trip for a change.

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允许偶尔披头散发,但要注重场合。Allow occasional disheveled, but to focus on occasion.

偶尔一次短途骑车不大可能造成麻烦。An occasional short ride is unlikely to cause trouble.

首先,这个节目几乎是偶然的。In the first place, a mask is nearly always occasional.

除了猫咪偶尔的“喵喵”叫声,咖啡馆里很安静。The tea shop is quiet except for cats’ occasional mews.

遗憾的是,她很容易出现偶然的时代错误。Unfortunately, she is prone to occasional anachronisms.

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偶然服用消炎药导致溃疡。When Taking Occasional Pain Relievers Leads to an Ulcer

除了偶尔看些体育节目,我基本上不看电视。I hardly watch much TV apart from the occasional sports.

Loudon是MobileActive.org的一个偶然的贡献者。Loudon is an occasional contributor to