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他看电视。He watched telly.

你有告诉你他连小弟弟都切了吗?。Did I telly ou even his dick got sliced?

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这台电视机价钱便宜,因为是等外品。The telly is cheap, because it's a reject.

你的声明是电视我们的智能明细帐。Your statement is telly to our Smart ledger.

在电视上说话时你必须很谨慎。You have to be careful what you say on telly.

她一屁股坐在了电视机前。She plonked herself down in front of the telly.

抑或怪物特利最好的朋友是熊宝宝?Or that Telly Monster's best friend is Baby Bear?

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而在这座城市里没有人会比泰丽·汉克顿更加危险了。And few men in the city are more dangerous than Telly Hankton.

他们全都坐在电视机前,看冰岛火山爆发。They all sat in front of the telly and watched the Icelandic volcano erupting.

我们其他人在屋里都乐的不行了,一会儿看看电视,一会儿看看窗户外边的“现场直播”。We were inside, in hysterics, watching it half on telly and half out of the window.

不过有迹象表明泰利·汉克顿的恐怖统治在狱中持续。Yet there are signs that Telly Hankton's reign of terror continues from behind bars.

在第六届印度特利萨瓦奖2006年,她囊括了为她捐款名人堂奖厅。At the 6th Indian Telly Awards 2006, she bagged the Hall of Fame award for her contributions.

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这档节目很快受到观众和评论家的青睐,并在2007年荣获4项电视大奖。It quickly proved to be popular with viewers and critics alike, winning four Telly Awards in2007.

忙完麻烦的一天后,很多人端着用微波炉煮的饭往电视跟前一落。Why do so many of us plonk ourselves down in front of the telly with a microwave meal after a tiring day?

屋外,烟雨蒙蒙,黄色的亮光投射在带框架的家庭照片和一台平板大电视机上。Outside, a misty rain is falling on west London, casting yellow light on to framed family photos and big, flat telly.

把你的电视扔到篱笆外你肯定会惹上大麻烦,而把1万台电视丢到尼日利亚你却能逃脱处罚。Dump your telly over a hedge and you can expect big trouble. Dump 10, 000 in Nigeria and you can expect to get away with it.

但是,如果我们失利了,我就会呆在电视机前不动。这时候你不需要去做什么。If we lose, however, I prefer to go no further than the telly page. There are some things you just don't need to read about.

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你还有可能整天都在马不停蹄地谈论着你的情人,然后舍友在看球赛的时候你们俩会在沙发上肆无忌惮的拥抱接吻。You may also start talking constantly about your lover, and snogging on the sofa while your flatmates are trying to watch telly.

劳累一天之后,用过微波餐,为什么我们全都扑通一声就把自己投掷在电视前面?Why do so many of us plonk ourselves down in front of the telly with a microwave meal after a tiring day? Because it's convenient?

尽量跟家庭成员的每一个人说说话,了解下他们今天做了些什么事情,是否对你做的饭菜感到满意,他们能否对你做的饭菜再进行些调味等使整个谈话继续下去。Also, the telly will prevent good meal time chat and you are only going to bond with the TV rather than with the rest of the family.