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你冲到敌人身后,以不可思议的速度从后面攻击他们。Lunge past your foes with preternatural speed to attack them from behind.

“属阴节与占卜和传说故事联系紧密,”是超脱时间的时间,“充满了古怪的超自然的力量。”" It was a time out of time "charged with a peculiar preternatural energy.

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他有着一个超自然的光环,他自己不知道怎样利用这个光环,他为此挣扎着。He had a preternatural aura, and he himself didn't know what to do with it.

在那地带,突起的风暴几乎是件不可思议的事。The suddenness of storms in that climate is something almost preternatural.

“属阴节与占卜和传说故事联系紧密,”是超脱时间的时间,“充满了古怪的超自然的力量。”" It was a time out of time, "charged with a peculiar preternatural energy.

我以不可思议的速度进行攻击,而我的敌人则被夺走的他们的速度。I strike with preternatural speed and my enemies are robbed of their fleetness.

在年幼、美丽的珠儿身上,和那满脸皱纹的老妖婆一样,准有一种超自然的力量。In Pearl's young beauty, as in the wrinkled witch, it has a preternatural effect.

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在他异常和蔼可亲的表情之下,有着尖刻和钢铁般的坚毅-乔治·威尔。Beyond his preternatural affability there is some acid and some steel- George Will.

但是对于有些工作来说,超乎寻常的专注能力和近乎完美的记忆则更为重要。But for some, a preternatural capacity for concentration and near-total recall matter more.

你站在那儿让人仰望,我能在这里感受到你的超然精神。You are there, just let us to look up to, I'm here to feel the preternatural sprit from you.

在年幼、美丽的珠儿身上,和那满脸皱纹的老妖婆一样,准有一种超自然的力量。要是你爱我,就让她安静下来吧!In Pearl's young beauty, as in the wrinkled witch, it has a preternatural effect. Pacify her, if thou lovest Me.

我只记得,那一天对我来说是那样无比地长,我们在路上走了几百哩。I only know that the day seemed to me of a preternatural length, and that we travel over hundreds of miles of road.

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卢沙恩亚承认这种异常环境会让人神经崩溃,尤其是他一个人值夜班的时候。Lyushnya admits that this preternatural environment can be nerve-wracking, especially when he's the only one working the night shift.

卢沙恩亚承认这种异常环境会让人神经崩溃,尤其是他一个人值夜班的时候。Lyushnya admits that this preternatural environment can be nerve-wracking, especially when he’s the only one working the night shift.

四周的大地是如此完美的寂静,被一种超自然的光芒照耀着,这光芒让他能看见和感觉到周围的一切。The land around them was perfectly still, glowing with a kind of preternatural light that allowed him to see and sense everything around him.

他与柏林爱乐管乐团合作,演奏达到了超凡的水平。乐团在他的指挥下,也成为举世之冠。He achieved a preternatural level of performance with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, which under his direction became the best in the world.

“他显然继承了超自然的礼物她换位思考,”他说。“遗嘱是他的母亲比他父亲的儿子,并会请她,当然。”"He clearly has inherited her preternatural gift for empathy, " he says. "Wills is more his mother's son than his father's, and that would please her, of course. "

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纳米材料具有奇异结构和特异的功能,材料的电学、力学、磁学以及光学性质等发生了巨大的变化。Nano-materials have the preternatural interface structures and unique functions and its properties are largely changed in electronics, mechanics, magnetic and optics et al.

大多数职业需要人的技能。但对于有些职业来说,集中精神和几乎全面记忆的异常禀赋更加要紧。企业家require people skills. But for some, a preternatural capacity for concentration and near-total recall matter more. Those jobs, entrepreneur Thorkil Sonne says, could use a little autism.

他的智慧的天赋,他在道德上的感知,他经受和表达感情的能力,都是由于他在日常生活中所受的刺痛,才得以保持一种异乎寻常的状态的。His intellectual gifts, his moral perceptions, his power of experiencing and communicating emotion, were kept in a state of preternatural activity by the prick and anguish of his daily life.