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发展红利将成为今后中国区域经济增长的绿色动力源。Development dividend will be the green origination of reginal economical increase in China.

矿床的地质学及矿物学研究表明,该矿床是由区域变质作用形成的。Geological and mineralogical studies on the deposite indicate that they formed through reginal metamorphism.

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结论对于没有局部淋巴结侵犯或远处转移的肾癌病人,根治性手术是最好的治疗方式。Conclusion The best treatment for patients with metastasis and reginal lymph nodes in voluement is radical operation.

南太平洋国家由于斐济没有在期限到来之前宣布新大选而停止了其的区域分组。South pacific Pacific nations have suspended Fiji from a reginal regional grouping for failing to meet their deadline to announce fresh elections.

上海合作组织的重要性在于中国和俄罗斯第一次进行区域性合作。The significance of Shanghai Cooperation Orgnization lies in the fact the China and Russia are engaged in the reginal cooperation for the first time.

主要是处理您总部的工作,但既然您的业务已经不只是局限于本地,我建议您在南方成立一个地区公司。That should do it for your headquarters here, but since your business is no longer just local, I also suggest setting up a Reginal office in the south.

本文认为,乡音乡谈出现在废名的作品中是时势使然,无可非议。The writer holds that the colloqualism and reginal dialects in Fei Ming's works just result form to the trend of the time and gives no cause for criticism.

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一个更加开放、进行改革、致力于改善人民生活、加强法制的中国,更有可能成为保持地区稳定的力量。A more open, reforming China that seeks to better the lives of its people and enhance the rule of law is likely to mean a China that is a force for reginal stability.

矿石主要由透辉石、方解石和石英等组成.矿床的地质学及矿物学研究表明,该矿床是由区域变质作用形成的。They are mainly composed of diopside, calcite and quartz. Geological and mineralogical studies on the deposite indicate that they formed through reginal metamorphism.

美国有数十家国内和国际航空公司,全国没有统一的票价,所以航空公司都可以削价,有时机票要比火车票便宜。There are dozens of airlines, both reginal and international. Prices are not regulated, so airlines can make special offers that are sometimes cheaper than train tickets.

基准面上升到下降的转换位置发育的大套泥岩段是区内的主要烃源层和良好的区域盖层。The huge thick mudstone section deposited at the turning position from uprising to subsiding of the base level is the main hydrocarbon source rock and favourable reginal cap rock.

通过对区域地质、地貌的发展演化分析,认为我国主要水系的贯通是新华夏构造体系活动的结果。By the analyses of reginal geology and evolution of land form, the through cutting of the main drainages in China can be thought as a result of the activeness of Neocathaysian tectonic system.

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区域规划立法是我国全面建设小康社会和落实科学发展观的内在需要。Reginal Planning legislation is the need to build the well-off society and implements the needing inherently of scientific development view in an all-round way that regional planning legislates.

我们应站在更高更远角度,并具有创新精神,加强思考和探索两地区际判决承认与执行问题。It should be necessary to reach the free movement of judgments in both sides. We should stand higher to analyse and resolve the problem in inter- reginal recognition and enforcement of judgments.