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爱丽丝喜欢足球吗?Yes, Alice likes paling football.

院子周围竖立着一道新的栅栏。A new paling had been erected around the yard.

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看见这两个女孩那么要好,我感到十分高兴。I am glad to see that these two girls paling ip so well.

一位年轻的妇女和她的儿子在玩着玩具大巴。A young woman and her little son are paling with a toy bus.

我经常在放学后和我的朋友们一起打篮球。I always paling basketball with my best friends after school.

腹部呈橙棕色,往下渐渐变淡。The underparts were orangey -brown, paling towards the lower belly.

木栅栏环绕着花园,只在右手侧留了个大门。A paling completely shuts in the garden, except for a gate on the right.

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我们都非常喜欢运动,我喜欢踢足球basketball.but吉姆喜欢玩。We both like sports very much. Jim enjoy playing basketball. but Ilike paling soccer.

拉车是他理想的职业,搁下这个就等于放弃了希望。Rickshaw paling was, to him, the ideal profession and quitting it meant giving up all hope.

朔宝喜欢打曲棍球并且尝试停下和准确运球。Tingshuo enjoys paling hockey and is beginning to stop and dribble the ball with some accuracy.

雷声震得轰轰隆隆,沿着河向东推进,灰白色的电光在他眼中闪烁着。The thunder rumbled and crashed, travelling east along the river, the paling flashes flicked his eyes.

她仍旧沿着花园的围栅走,不久便走过了一道园门。The park paling was still the boundary on one side, and she soon passed one of the gates into the ground.

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曲棍球比赛中的国王队-----就从一个失败的赛季、无缘总冠军最终成为斯坦利杯的冠军。Then there are the hockey Kings, smarting from an awful season and paling in comparison to the Stanley Cup champion Ducks.

令人惊奇的是,悲伤在利用人际关系网传播的方面却没什么成就,和快乐的传播不可同日而语。Surprisingly, sadness made very little headway within social networks, paling in comparison to the communal effects of happiness.