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如何安装和升级一个RPM软件包?。How to install or updata RPM package ?

红线是这台发动机在4200转。Redline of this engine is at 4200 RPM.

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你也希望它至少是每分钟7200转的。You will also want itto be at least 7200 RPM.

引擎的马力和转速是多少?What are the engine's horsepower and rpm range?

这些微型马达能以每分钟10万转的转速运行。These microscopic motors can run at 100,000 rpm.

RPM用户应该可以通过alien使用.deb包。RPM users should be able to use the .deb packages by using alien.

这点和RPM包甚至是Windows的.msi文件很像。This is very similar to RPM packages, or even Windows .msi files.

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这个过程会持续到引擎速度达到850转每分钟。This process will continue until the engine speed reaches 850 rpm.

我在村政厅的跳蚤市场上买了一些每分钟78转的旧唱片。I bought some old 78 rpm records at a flea market in the village hall.

问题我运行水泵,应该设置多少转每分钟,以达到希望的流量?Q. At what RPM should I run my general pump to achieve a desired flow?

新发动机的额定电压为300马力,在5800转和300磅英尺的扭矩。The new engine is rated at 300 hp at 5800 rpm and 300 lb-ft of torque.

我在RPM中建立的基于角色的安全选择权将可以被重复。The role-based security choices I make in RPM will also be repeatable.

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现在,你可以解释一下我怎样才能最好的利用RPM来管理项目信息么?Now, can you explain how I can best use RPM to manage project information?

任何拥有RPM帐户的人都能够看到这个应用程序的一些笔记。Anyone with access to an RPM account can see the notes for that application.

世界级乒乓球手能够击出每分钟转动9000次的旋转球。A world-class table tennis player can put up to 9000 rpm of spin on the ball.

钻头使用初期要慢一点转,钻压要低一点。Slow RPM and light WOB are needed in drilling with a new bit at the beginning.

实施堵水作业后油井产油能力逐渐提高。The oil productivity raises gradually after a water shutoff job with RPM conducted.

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当引擎转速增加,四冲程循环每一步的时间变得越短。As engine rpm increases, there is less time for each step of the four- stroke cycle.

设计了无定子的RPM传感原理和模型,并进行了样机的实现。Secondly, the stator-free RPM sensing principle was designed and implemented in prototype.

信号变换器可以在不使用发电机的情况下对RPM转盘和SPM泵进行测量。The AOI Signal Converter measures rotary table RPM and pump SPM without the use of a generator.