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我们有一个路由器,以及思科的e300。We have a Cisco E300 router as well.

她也是思科公司的董事会成员之一。She serves on the board of Cisco Systems.

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约翰曼维尔,资讯科技副总裁,思科John Manville, vice president of IT, Cisco

雅虎,微软和思科也被点名。Yahoo, Microsoft and Cisco are also named.

思科地图令牌环到Mac级广播地址。Cisco maps Token Ring to MAC-level broadcast addresses.

这个id号将出现在你的证书上。The Cisco ID number will be listed on your certificate.

在这方面,或许没有公司能比思科公司做的更多了。Perhaps no company has done more in this vein than Cisco.

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在这一领域拥有产品的包括思科公司以及3Leaf公司。Companies with products in the space include Cisco and 3Leaf.

思科也有着自发重组的优良传统。Cisco also has a record of being willing to reorganise itself.

配置、检验和检修思科交换机的trunkingConfigure, verify, and troubleshoot trunking on Cisco switches

有关详细信息,请进入思科关于重新认证页面。For more information, access the Cisco About Recertification page.

为减少成本,思科将每类业务的职能集中。Having to cut costs, Cisco centralised the functions of each line.

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西蒙阿斯皮诺尔,高级主管,市场营销服务供应商,思科Simon Aspinall, senior director, Service Provider Marketing, Cisco

思科平均每周的网真会议多达5500次。The number of TelePresence meetings at Cisco averages 5,500 a week.

思科公司研究出一种能省去家庭技术支持人员的方法。Cisco even figured out a way to save on in-house tech-support staff.

思科1040传感器的行为方式类似于思科IP电话。The Cisco 1040 sensors behave in a manner similar to Cisco IP phones.

斯科特,副总裁,互联网业务服务小组,思科Scott Puopolo, vice president, Internet Business Services Group, Cisco

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思科已经开始提供它称之为“远程监控个人版”的应用系统。Cisco already offers what it calls a "personal" version of TelePresence.

很多年前,我把三分之一的股票资金投到了网络产品上。Many years ago, I had one-third of my stock portfolio invested in Cisco.

国际反假联盟有超过250名成员,其中包括苹果公司、思科以及香奈儿。The IACC has over 250 members, including Apple, Cisco Systems and Chanel.