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弥拉在心里猜测了一番。Mira made a guess mentally.

我是来自昴宿星高级议会的米拉。I am Mira from the Pleiadian high council.

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蒭藁增二是所有著名变星中的一颗。Mira is one of the most famous of all variable stars.

鲸鱼座的o星是一颗变星,它的固有名为蒭藁增二。It's a variable star, Omicron Ceti, whose proper name is Mira.

大家好,我是米拉。我代表昴宿星高级议会向你们表示问候。Greetings, I am Mira. I greet you from the Pleiadian High council.

王峥嵘承认自己的女儿冒名顶替上大学的事实。Mira Wang, to recognize his own daughter to college impostor fact.

但是米拉极其合作者指出,那些早期模型确实有些严重的限制。But Mira and co point out that these early models had some serious limitations.

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现在让我们来了解下鲸鱼座吧,来看看蒭藁增二在未来几个月的情况。Come to know the constellation Cetus now, and watch Mira in the months to come.

因此说,米拉山是大陆性气候与海洋性气候的分水岭。Therefore, said Mira Hill is a continental climate with the climate of the watershed.

米拉丘陵高中的训练队队长正在试图发展成为肝癌的新疗法。Mira Loma High School's drill team captain is trying to develop a new treatment for liver cancer.

迈阿密的室内设计师查尔斯阿莱姆,完成了香港米拉酒店室内设计项目。Miami-based Interior designer Charles Allem, designed the interior of the Mira Hotel in Hong Kong.

当这个奇异之星缓缓的变亮的那晚,你会发现蒭藁增二突然出现在你的视野中。One night, as this wonderful star steadily increases in brightness, you'll see Mira pop into view!

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但是春末的时候,来自加利福尼亚曼哈顿海滩米拉科斯塔高中的他,却去了耶鲁。But later that spring, the student from Mira Costa High School in Manhattan Beach, Calif., got into Yale.

Mira以及Romax这些公司在重庆非常活跃,给重庆提供新的节能技术。Companies such as Lotus, Mira and Romax are active in Chongqing and offer new energy efficient technologies.

自配溴甲酚绿试剂,用自动生化分析仪反复测定血清白蛋白。By using the self-made BCG agent, serum, albumin content was determined with Cobas MIRA biochemical auto-analyzer.

导演米拉‧内尔说她明白了阿梅莉亚‧艾哈特是如何运用名人地位,来追求她的飞行梦。Direc tor Mira Nair says she came to understand how Amelia Earhart used that celebrity status to pursue her aviation dreams.

米瑞·威尔金斯1964年出版了研究福特公司全球化商业的著作,仅仅4年后,“跨国公司”一词被创造出来。Mira Wilkins published a major study of the globalization of Ford in 1964, only four years after the word "multinational" was coined.

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米拉在年青女同事的影响和爸爸妈妈的敦促下,下定决计跟本人并不称心的于地生娶亲。Mira in young female colleague of excitement and parents urged, determined to heel oneself is not satisfactory to the ground born to get married.

今天,米拉和他的伙伴们对可能的结果以一个系统的研究回答了这个问题,然而,这改变了所有包括其中的重要元素。Today, Mira and and his pals answer this question with a systematic study of the possible outcomes while varying all the important parameters involved.

数十亿年前,苧藁增二是一颗类似我们太阳的恒星,但现在变成了一颗肿胀的红巨星,它外层的物质被吹到星际太空中。Billions of years ago Mira was likely similar to our Sun, but has now become a swollen red giant star , its outer layers of material blowing off into interstellar space.